billzh.eth 🎩 pfp

billzh.eth 🎩


2220 Following

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Is the bull market over yet?
9 replies
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27 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
FarCon will be the #1 crypto conference in two years
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18 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
OK but what happened?
1 reply
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7 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
New Purple Snapshot voting is open for [Nouns Builder #98] Move remaining treasury to new L2 DAO on Base
0 reply
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6 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
The sky is not the limit
0 reply
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billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
I love reply guys
8 replies
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18 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Do people actually use this solidity v0.8 branch of uniswap v3 in production?
3 replies
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12 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
How much of FC’s growth should be attributed to $degen?
9 replies
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19 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
New Purple Snapshot voting is open for [Nouns Builder #2 Base] Engineering Residency for Mulf
2 replies
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18 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
The founder peer support you get on Farcaster is unparalleled
1 reply
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21 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
New Purple Snapshot voting is open for [Nouns Builder #96] FarCon x BuilderDAO
1 reply
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15 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
When creating an ERC20 contract, is there a way to specify social media links and logo (which then get picked up by etherscan / wallets automatically)? Or do you always have to do it manually?
2 replies
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6 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
In 10 years, there will be multiple Harvard Business School case studies on $DEGEN. The question is: will you be in it?
6 replies
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28 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
The news is even more bullish when you realize Merkle Manufactory is just the first unicorn built on Farcaster. Many more to follow in the coming years.
6 replies
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26 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Asking ChatGPT to explain a smart contract but got this response. We all love AI Safety.
2 replies
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11 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Just bridged to Degen L3. What should I ape into
7 replies
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14 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
wen $moments
1 reply
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8 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Who has implemented SIWF on react native? Have some specific technical questions
2 replies
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2 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
We are getting closer to the next 10x moment for Farcaster. Bullish for all FC builders
7 replies
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41 reactions

billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Happening now!
3 replies
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12 reactions