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Zach pfp
Wanted to post a follow up! The feedback on Prop 613 from folks on, specifically from @carlosjmelgar, @gami, @frog, @krel and the /nouncil has been really helpful in scrapping and redrafting something we'd be excited to work on. I wrote this up while the prop was being submitted, and feel like it’s still worth posting for feedback. TLDR Crypto's Wordle moment ***will*** happen in the next 18 months. Shouldn't it happen in the Nouns ecosystem?
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krel pfp
yet to digest the entire post but quick note that some of our (arguably) most impactful props are more of a team-basis than project basis: verbs, nounish, camp, rounds, etc all act more as a startup vs a contractor if you were to plot that on a spectrum (now back to reading!)
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krel pfp
> Enable anyone with enough ETH to set aggressive bids on Noun auctions, regardless of timezone. > Leverage 1-click PartyDAO integration to increase the bidder audience to the other 95% of wallets with less than 2.4 ETH (possibly leveraging work already in progress w/ RaidGuild) > Explore building lore and innovating on the bidding and competition experience for Nouns. my biggest gripe w these is that they all assume there is a demand for nouns nfts and i dont think there is in other words, there is an upstream problem of having a buyer that none of these solve, which makes it hard for me to feel optimistic about downstream solutions
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Zach pfp
Super appreciate the feedback! Will respond inline > quick note that some of our (arguably) most impactful props are more of a team-basis Great pushback! I guess my question there is ...if those have been most impactful (and I agree, some great projects listed, writing some solidity tonight so we can use Rounds w/ BP) .. why not more ? The vibes seem to be that there's bit a bit of a souring w/ software, but maybe that's wrong? Or has there been, and just less successful? I guess my question is - why isn't there more funding on making Nouns more valuable outside of propagating the meme (which can valuable but not necessarily focused enough for a war-time DAO)? > Explore building lore and innovating on the bidding and competition experience for Nouns. I think this is p reasonable pushback and I think Winter and I are a little divided. Maybe the order is wrong (viral first, then bid bots to take advantage of building demand). I want it, personally, for myself, but that's probably not enough of a reason.
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krel pfp
>> Explore building lore and innovating on the bidding and competition experience for Nouns. i dont think i said this, OR i dont quite understand the point do you argue that its a "build it and they will come" situation? bc thats definitely an argument one could make but i would be very surprised if eg bot-bidding is the catalyst
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krel pfp
> Great pushback! Not pushback, more of a 'yes and' -- The real answer is that this is a dao. A lot of ppl agree with you, a lot of ppl disagree w you, and a lot of people end up at a more nuanced place in between. The power is in your hands to make this cultural and narrative shift, but it doesnt happen in an instant, and it doesnt happen (only) via proposal -- a lot of grassroots community work is needed too. That is the double-edged nature of this project. Nouns is not easy to capture, but its also not easy to course-adjust. But act like a founder within these rules and constraints and you can def make headway on a future you think is best for the project.
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