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Wanted to post a follow up! The feedback on Prop 613 from folks on, specifically from @carlosjmelgar, @gami, @frog, @krel and the /nouncil has been really helpful in scrapping and redrafting something we'd be excited to work on. I wrote this up while the prop was being submitted, and feel like it’s still worth posting for feedback. TLDR Crypto's Wordle moment ***will*** happen in the next 18 months. Shouldn't it happen in the Nouns ecosystem?
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yet to digest the entire post but quick note that some of our (arguably) most impactful props are more of a team-basis than project basis: verbs, nounish, camp, rounds, etc all act more as a startup vs a contractor if you were to plot that on a spectrum (now back to reading!)
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> Enable anyone with enough ETH to set aggressive bids on Noun auctions, regardless of timezone. > Leverage 1-click PartyDAO integration to increase the bidder audience to the other 95% of wallets with less than 2.4 ETH (possibly leveraging work already in progress w/ RaidGuild) > Explore building lore and innovating on the bidding and competition experience for Nouns. my biggest gripe w these is that they all assume there is a demand for nouns nfts and i dont think there is in other words, there is an upstream problem of having a buyer that none of these solve, which makes it hard for me to feel optimistic about downstream solutions
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Super appreciate the feedback! Will respond inline > quick note that some of our (arguably) most impactful props are more of a team-basis Great pushback! I guess my question there is ...if those have been most impactful (and I agree, some great projects listed, writing some solidity tonight so we can use Rounds w/ BP) .. why not more ? The vibes seem to be that there's bit a bit of a souring w/ software, but maybe that's wrong? Or has there been, and just less successful? I guess my question is - why isn't there more funding on making Nouns more valuable outside of propagating the meme (which can valuable but not necessarily focused enough for a war-time DAO)? > Explore building lore and innovating on the bidding and competition experience for Nouns. I think this is p reasonable pushback and I think Winter and I are a little divided. Maybe the order is wrong (viral first, then bid bots to take advantage of building demand). I want it, personally, for myself, but that's probably not enough of a reason.
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