Zak El Fassi pfp
Zak El Fassi
i was reminded this morning that i lost my Farcaster active badge ... although Farcaster is by far my favorite people-network on the internet. here are a few reasons why – throwing it out there if anyone's listening / there are fixes 👇🏽
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Zak El Fassi pfp
Zak El Fassi
1/n i almost exclusively use social media on a laptop, while i'm sitting on my desk – warpcast[dot]com almost always asks me to re-auth whenever i open it. my phone is never on my desk, hence i can never successfully "Login with mobile".
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​woj pfp
self promo time 1. supercast currently never logs you out 2. you can schedule your casts in the future 3. chronological feeds make it easier to reply to people and have a real time conversation
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