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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
✨Warpcast-as-a-Service✨ Imagine all of Warpcast’s beautiful UI/UX, algos, invites, points, etc… …the whole recipe… …but for ✨your✨community. ✨ Sam Harris ✨ Taylor and the Swifities ✨ MoZers There’d be a Cambrian explosion of communities bigger than a group chat but smaller than a twitter!
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
@dwr.eth we would literally subscribe for this now if it was available — for each college sports fanbase to have their own forum. Imagine a where you buy into a community like this rather than just the chat room
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Matthew pfp
Isn’t this just a WC channel? Or do you mean build a single channel client?
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nat.eth pfp
Isn’t this sort of decentralized Reddit?
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whit pfp
What are points?
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
Broadly speaking, this feels like it could be the future of social networks. I think it should be. Feels like platforms like Warpcast will grow to serve that need and in parallel so will apps like Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, etc. I do worry it perpetuates bubbles for most people. We are tribal beings after all.
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albi  pfp
isn't this discord? kind of
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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
i learned about a company doing exactly this when a headhunter reached out to me about a role. always a good sign when more than one smart person comes up with the same idea :)
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Petra 🪼 ⊙ pfp
Petra 🪼 ⊙
one-click warpcast! My devshop could build this. Give me a client to fund costs and we shall do it…
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ilya pfp
Would start integrating this right now.
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davisshaver.eth pfp
Agree with this and personally I’d really like to work on this for local news sites
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Maybe it's just a matter of creating a filter "only show holders of a specific NFT"?
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Jacob pfp
I think a lot of the brands that would be able to activate their fanbase to join a network would also be the least willing to share their fanbase with the network, i.e., less willing to build a social app on a decentralized protocol I see a lot of value in mobilizing existing networks here, i.e., poaching from Reddit
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