timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩) pfp
timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩)
read up on some of the recent finance stuff Balaji and others have published and it is pretty scary indeed… bunch of unprecedented events playing out in parallel How do u guys parse this stuff? Where is he wrong, where right?
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kenny 🎩 pfp
kenny 🎩
he's generally right about the facts around the unprecedented events playing out in parallel imo I think his predictions about where we go from here are as good as anyone's random guess, but he's spot on that this is a Big Deal
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Caden (is at FarCon) pfp
Caden (is at FarCon)
can you link to some of the stuff you found most informative? have been trying to get a handle on this myself
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pugson pfp
sounds like fear mongering to pump bags
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✊ Mert from GodmodeHQ pfp
✊ Mert from GodmodeHQ
Feels like there is a huge opportunity ignored. Don't know what it is but I strongly feel it is neither web3 nor AI currently
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McBain  pfp
It to be flippant but money printer go brrrrrrr
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Nick Ducoff pfp
Nick Ducoff
I was talking to a long equities manager yesterday and it’s all doom and gloom. If you believe markets are efficient, then this doom and gloom is priced in. There’s *no good news anywhere*. If anything improves, which they will imo as an optimist, markets could squeeze up.
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