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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
“It will be illegal for California public schools to suspend students for disrupting class or defying teachers—known as willful defiance suspensions—starting July 1, 2024.” what do parents think?
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ted (not lasso) pfp
ted (not lasso)
as a nonparent, it isn’t clear to me how this law will actually achieve the stated goal of protecting and supporting at-risk kids. what is the incentive to behave well now? how does this benefit well-behaved kids? my public school had in-school suspensions. seems like that would’ve been a slightly better solution.
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
a lot of countries prohibit these suspensions (very progressive countries with a very high ratings of schoolkids' intelligence) it's a good move given that parents must teach kids to respect teachers, not government
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grin pfp
if you think of public school as more about daycare then learning, this makes sense wish we'd all just acknowledge this reality. then kids will be better cared for and less forced to do shit they don't want to (and won't disrupt or defy teachers so much)
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Bias 🫧🗿 pfp
Bias 🫧🗿
Wow, I’d have never been suspended if I was growing up now and in California
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McBain  pfp
I don’t see the benefit here for anyone To your point further down this will just push more who can afford it out of public schools
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🌶️ Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌶️ Zach Harris 🥀
Proof of Why, I’m never sending my kid to a California public school… Is this the neo-liberal agenda legislated beyond reproach? Soon, Letter Grades will become triggers and + / - micro aggressions.
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kbc - q/dau pfp
kbc - q/dau
Agree with this "Suspending students, no matter the age, doesn't improve student behavior, and it greatly increases the likelihood that the student will fail or drop out," But what is the solution? Did they remove a classroom management tool teachers had and replaced it with nothing?
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Danny pfp
Suspension takes the kid out of school, which may or may not be favorable to the kid depending on how they are treated and what they do while suspended. Without a clear alternative portrayed in the article it’s hard to imagine the impact here. I don’t know what to think.
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