Thanks to @jayme & the Algos (#bandname) for the new follows (#bandname)! Ask me about: • web3 (been building since 2017) • fintech (formerly in the space) • startups (2x VC backed founder) • sports (current startup) • Jesus (believer, ex-pastor for 7yrs) • books (I can read) • beverages (I drink it all)
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_slow_crypto 🌅⏳🪁
Blazing the trail for re-introductions with all the new friends we have of late. Nicely done. Casting bread upon digital waters? In. 🙏🫡 What had you go pastor —> founder?
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I was bivocational already and another church wanted to merge at the same time I had an offer at LinkedIn. “Fortunate” timing. I’m a Calvinist (I know I know I’m sorry), so no such thing as fortune but you may get what I mean.
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