la,la pfp



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la,la pfp
one of my internet friends hasn't logged online for a month and i'm so worried about her. i feel like this is such a curse of the vip. has anyone got any comforting stories about a time you couldn't log on for a long time but then you safely returned to your fellow vips 🙏
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la,la pfp
ahhh so cooool
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la,la pfp
Is there an audiophile channel? My father recently passed away from cancer leaving me his set up but I'm struggling to get it working after having to unplug everything to shuffle it. Looking for someone to give me a hand but can't find a channel that might be able to help 🙏
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la,la pfp
Oh god. It’s me.
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la,la pfp
where i cast from
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la,la pfp
me too gaby, me too
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la,la pfp
Morning at the Window — it is here that I stood as he had every morning prior
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la,la pfp
Just starting reading soul of a new machine and loving it. Any other similar book recommendations for when I finish it?
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la,la pfp
I miss Larry Feinberg. This was a great week on the internet. What was ur favourite hyper viral moment on the internet so far?
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la,la pfp
okay guys i should have realized but we do actually have the power. we ARE vip
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la,la pfp
pls give @kiv a big fc welcome. i love her art so much ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
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la,la pfp
should we make a vip PaintBBS? (*>ω<*)♡
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la,la pfp
Hoarding is the excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value. Hoarding is the excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value. the internet is a graveyard.
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la,la pfp
where i cast from
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la,la pfp
in the name of a cozier internet whats ur fav personal website to visit right now? I've been really enjoying reading this person's posts and their layout is a delightful mash of old school web x new school brutalism
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la,la pfp
Elle suggested that I share this here; what kind of app this this? (/w ) contains a screenshot of a self-portrait of mine from 2006 being used as someone’s avatar on an forum that I stumbled upon while trying to get some software working.
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la,la pfp
i went to this cafe in Tokyo called 'where is a dog?' and then i realised their whole interior was covered in cats. and i just cant stop thinking about it. now i walk around my house that is full of cats going 'where is a dog?'
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la,la pfp
Mint what kind of app this this? (/w \)
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la,la pfp
"By getting out of the way from time to time and surrendering to the computer's power to transcend reality, a mutual expression of genuine spirituality may emerge simply by elevating the computer from tool to partner." -- Frank Gehry: Foreshadowing the Twenty-first Century
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la,la pfp
all this talk about farcaster being a twitter replacement but it feels much closer to a reddit replacement with all the parts of twitter that made it great
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