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Brent Schulkin
If you could wave a magic wand and make a startup appear, that had a killer team and $100M in funding to work on a neglected climate solution, what might you have this startup work on?
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Eric Platon
Recycling tech and flows. Tech can be wild here. Brainless pitch: “Use LLM to generate bacteria candidates that can digest tires. We make the AlphaFold for bacteria”. This is of course a ™️ idea. Flows look wild too. Some new kinds of EBay, incentives to sort garbage, etc.
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Tito - Air Miner
a company building the social and technological infrastructure for scaling up reversing climate change
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tmo - agent operator
it’s already here: BASIN Natural Capital
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Eric Platon
New processes for biofuels. Recent reports show ethanol from standard processes based on corn pollutes more than gasoline (full cycle of course). Yet it uses good old processes, apparently brute force scale without real innovation.
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Have you read 'Ministry for the Future' by Kim Stanley Robinson? Some interesting funding ideas in there, especially the plausibly deniable ones you find out about later on.
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