Ben Scharfstein pfp

Ben Scharfstein


407 Following

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
My wife @sigalit
33 replies
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117 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Lost 10 lbs and my "smart" scale thinks I'm a different person đź’Ş
23 replies
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71 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Anyone actually recording “life events” with AVP? Seems incredibly after the fact but terrible in the moment. Alternative is just the vr mode on iPhone 15?
8 replies
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65 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
SSBM is still goated as the best video game ever
8 replies
14 recasts
71 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Getting married in two weeks. Last minute wedding tips?
156 replies
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245 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Who writes the best docs?
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26 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Excited to launch Superpipe, a framework to build evaluate, and optimize LLM pipelines for structured outputs. Using Superpipe, we've been able to build 10x cheaper pipelines, 10x faster. Latest project with @aman
3 replies
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27 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Have no idea what a power badge is but I feel like an epic adventurer in a high fantasy book
4 replies
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22 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
`pip install superopenai` âś… all LLM inputs and requests logged locally âś… includes token usage, cost and latency âś… responses cached in-memory, never wait when re-running code
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13 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
First non-company hackathon since college this past weekend with @aman @ryo and Andrew Yu (not sure on fc). Builder energy so fun. Built a bot that bids and messages sellers on fb marketplace that are similar to reference images you provide
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19 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Way more excited about farcaster DAU than bitcoin price. But number go up is chill too
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13 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Evaluation is all you need. If your goal is to build good AI software, you need to switch from thinking like an engineer to thinking like a scientist. Would love to hear feedback and thoughts.
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9 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Going to be in SF next week for the OpenAI x SPC hackathon. Any AI folks want to meet up?
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22 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
All clad d3 or d5?
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5 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
What is best color le Creuset?
9 replies
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13 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
What are other S tier kitchen items? My sleeper pick is fish spatula for everything (aside nonstick which doesn’t have a place in my kitchen anyways)
20 replies
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20 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
hot take but i believe that “venture math” is based on bad assumptions, bad advice and poorly run companies
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19 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
I’m surprised no one is talking about the motion blur when using AVP. The pass through is good but it’s not nearly as seamless as expected given everything I was hearing online before I used
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7 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
Tried to cast from Vision Pro but find keyboard very hard to use, especially for longer sentences. It’s both remarkable how intuitive some things are and how finicky others are
3 replies
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14 reactions

Ben Scharfstein pfp
Ben Scharfstein
I’ve always said that decentralization is a developer facing feature. The magic of frames is that it lowers the barrier to entry to be a farcaster developer. You don’t need to build an app to build a feature. 🤌
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13 reactions