Sam Will Be At FarCon ✦  pfp
Sam Will Be At FarCon ✦
Alright enough drama for this week What are you looking forward to this weekend? I’m going back home 🏡 and I’m gonna eat so much asian food lol
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Seeing family and touching grass
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🪷 pfp
Pretty in Pink at an outdoor cinema tonight then day trips outside of San Francisco this Memorial Day weekend
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Hexidethmal 🟪 pfp
Hexidethmal 🟪
I am going to load a new ethOS client onto new hardware to test a dedicated ethOS mobile device. Also, I shall cut some wooden stakes, paint them brightly in a fashion pleasing to my wife’s eye, and prop up my tomatoes.
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web3dΞv.eth | pfp
web3dΞv.eth |
Going be hacking on something, hoping to get it done in a weekend 👨‍💻
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tadas pfp
Hopefully figuring out how to upgrade our brains with journalling software
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annie pfp
taking a drive through the hudson valley to my hometown and seeing what new restaurants and boutiques the nyc expats have brought upstate with them!
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dylan pfp
sleeping as much as possible
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Ben  🟪 pfp
Ben 🟪
Lots of nature (weekend already started)
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q/dau wartime art hoe pfp
q/dau wartime art hoe
writing yet another party spite article
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Madhur Shrimal 🎩  pfp
Madhur Shrimal 🎩
Murph! 💀
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Specktacular Cast ⛏️🐸🔵 pfp
Specktacular Cast ⛏️🐸🔵
Fun hustle and travel this week (beautiful Bucharest), so weekend's welcome. Asian food is so tasty! 💚 Lady is away, so a colleague and I go to a Former Team's Meetup lunch, a couple of hours North, tomorrow. Local, Italian food for us, Sam. Sunday, lazy but also the usual long walk. Thank you for asking.
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0xUgly pfp
Asian(Indian) food consumed, Sending parents back home. Smoking some weed 🫠
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Sunday we have elections in Spain. In family the election day has been always a party so we will have some fun because we can vote. For the rest of the weekend maybe finish my first chapter of my new nft adventure and watch again spiderman into the multiverse.
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