Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth) pfp
Ryan Sean Adams (rsa.eth)
PSA issued by the FBI today is...eerie. Don't use unregistered cryptocurrency money transmitting services btw if it's not in this database it's a no no... oh and is your code or wallet a msb? maybe maybe not but we're arresting privacy devs right now & calling them msbs so u tell me...
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flick the dev 🎩📦 pfp
flick the dev 🎩📦
I intermingle my funds with the blockchain
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Toasterboyz 🔵 pfp
Toasterboyz 🔵
So what exactly is an msb?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Gotta love this. I'm concerned when a service DOES ask all this info. > Beware of financial services that do not ask for KYC information including name, date of birth, address, and ID before allowing you to send or receive money or cryptocurrency.
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string ↑  pfp
string ↑
I wonder if Coinbase wallet counts as that
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