vrypan |--o--| pfp

vrypan |--o--|


793 Following

vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Cast Compose action request: Image Gallery. When I select this action, I will be able to upload N images to the frame host. The published frame presents a slideshow, and has options to download the images, or view them in full resolution on the frame site. Options may also allow users to select the presentation mode: slideshow, mosaic, etc.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
If you are an artist using LLM, you probably invest a lot of time to get to the right prompts, the ones that generate what you want to create. What happens when the specific LLM version is replaced (at some point in the future maybe). Will your prompts work the same? What will you do? I'm not 100% the assumption is correct, but if it is, it's a strong argument in favor of "open source" (open weights?) LLM models.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
These are fan-made AI-generated trailers for imaginary films. I guess a lot of editing was required, but wow, just wow. Question #1: Is this guy not creative because they used AI? New tools unlock new creativity. Question #2: Based on https://x.com/venturetwins/status/1816177475992629495, they use Midjourney, LumaLabs, ElevenLabs. Do you want the creator to pay (directly or indirectly) royalties for every work used to train these tools? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etktO7rpGP0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW_f4i3kayg
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Share your caption.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Weather data are more valuable than you may think. "[...] Against a backdrop of rising climate volatility and social shifts, demand for weather derivatives is surging. Average trading volumes for listed products jumped more than 260% in 2023, according to the CME Group, with the number of outstanding contracts currently 48% higher than a year ago. [...]" https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/international/2024/05/08/773370.htm
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
We want to build the largest, most dense, most valuable weather network. We are just starting! See our 5,677 stations around the world: https://explorer.weatherxm.com This is the power unlocked by DePIN.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Biscuit basin at Yellowstone national park Montana just exploded. (3h ago) https://www.facebook.com/vlada.bolotinsky/videos/1671583060070276/?mibextid=xCPwDs&rdid=ofSDuFOFWto7U90H
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
This is an amazing example of a Farcaster application. And the UX is so smooth: - I clicked on the link shared (https://beta.buoy.club/settings) - I signed in with Farcaster - I clicked "Install Watch" - It opened the Warpcast "Add action" settings. - I clicked "Add" - Now I have a new "Watch" cast action. - When a cast I'm watching gets a reply, I get a notification that opens in Warpcast! So many parts working together as one.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
This was 23 days ago. It's impressive how quickly things can change in politics. From most-boring-ever to omg-things-are-happening-too-fast in a couple of weeks.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Who could provide me with historic data about the number of Farcaster hubs over time? Is there a dashboard?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
My Waifu #42 does not have an image. tokenURI returns https://waifucast.novadao.io/42 (still generated) Any help?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
You should be following @marcov and you probably don’t.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Vrypan-tan is soooo smart, she thinks users care about decentralization uwu~ but they just want kawaii cat pics >.< Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
I’m stuck. Trying to mint a nft from a frame. I get not enough funds. No idea how much is needed. What do I do?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Is there a “caster type” classification based on how we interact with the ecosystem? For example a ratio of comments/root casts, likes etc? How do different patterns of behavior add more or less value to the whole? What each pattern tell us about each user?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
/catos checks so many boxes for me, that I had to get some more /internetfriends :-)
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
ITAP of dawn
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Cool Apple watch case https://thetinypod.com/#home
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