vrypan |--o--| pfp

vrypan |--o--|


721 Following

vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Lots of discussions about "quality" casts. Your quality is not my quality and vise versa. It's not even about quality. It's about what we want to see on our feed, here, today. The challenge is to connect the right casts with the right people. Not to decide what is good and what bad quality.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
@v @adityapk this FIP that was posted today has target release date today? https://github.com/farcasterxyz/protocol/discussions/169 If I get it right (and I may not), this has significant consequences on the protocol, shouldn't you give it some more time?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
First libp2p RetroPGF Round. Could Farcaster (Hubble?) apply? Or contribute? @v https://blog.libp2p.io/2024-04-08-libp2p-rpgf/
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
@kmacb.eth I’m watching MID-LEE. What a game, so satisfying! Are all EFL games like this?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
You can be a successful entrepreneur, yet clueless about life. Don't be like Mike Black. Be humble. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/millionaire-who-made-himself-homeless-32636079
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Recent additions to my Hashmasks collection. I have a love/hate relationship with this project, on one hand the way it was run is probably the worst, on the other hand, it's one of the few pfp projects I like for the art (plus it's a real OG project, early 2021). I can't help it. When price is low, I buy 😀
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
It seems that EIP-3074 could solve many of the problems that come from Warpcast registering FIDs with a new EOA. It could also change/simplify some of the protocol workflows, like signer approval/removal. Has anyone posted any thoughts on this?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Do you have any good examples, of ToS/EULA/License that are written for humans? Not the legal copy-pasta crap everyone uses, that no real human can understand and if you do they actually say "we have all the rights on Earth and Heaven and any other place that there may be, in any dimension, currently known or unknown"?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
ETH gas is low. This is a great time to: - Register/Renew ENS domains - Relocate tokens/NFTs - Revoke allowances (revoke.cash) - Claim small rewards from pools, convert dust.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Can someone explain the connection between based LP NFTs and the original NFTs? I have a number of v1, are they connected somehow?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
@fun @neynar, why would I need to give these permissions to farcasteruserstats.com?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Iran has launched dozens of drones and missiles at Israel in a retaliatory attack https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-68737710?src_origin=BBCS_BBC
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
This cast had 32 likes, but resulted in a single new upvote for the feature request (and all this needed was login with google/twitter/github). Which leads me to believe that most of these likes are bots or users trying to farm followers. Not a good sign.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
In my ideal world, "mute user" is a protocol reaction, and I have a bot that I configured to mute any user who replies with specific keywords. The bot has a website where I can go and mute/unmute users too.
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Let's put some more pressure to Typefully! 44 votes only? Come on!!! https://typefully.canny.io/feature-requests/p/publish-to-farcaster
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
@cygaar I wish you posted your twitter threads here too...
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Temperature check/Brain storming. If (and that's a BIG if) there was a proposal to allow the owner of a top cast (not a reply) to delete replies to their cast at the protocol level, what would be your thoughts?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
Warps have not received any updates, and I feel they are left behind. Is this a decision? How about making it easy to purchase onchain?
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