rCtsinei pfp



127 Following

BaseFrens Ⓜ️ pfp
BaseFrens Ⓜ️
🎉 F R E N S 🎉 We have a winner! Congratulations to @aerique.eth, unfortunately he/she doesn't own any /basefrens and only won 35K degen which will be sent as a tip! We'll upload a video on the raffle on the 1st comment. Congratulations again remember you can still cast a vote for the 🇦🇷 - 🇨🇴 match!
10 replies
5 recasts
8 reactions

Saska from Phaver 🦄 pfp
Saska from Phaver 🦄
How our community team weekly sync calls look like @poolboy @dollowen The boys are in syncing
24 replies
10 recasts
1071 reactions

Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
jfc lol
19 replies
18 recasts
85 reactions

Larry Scruff  pfp
Larry Scruff
Big things happening in Phaver this month! Are you ready?! 🦄🚀 #SocialSummer
4 replies
2 recasts
31 reactions

日拱一卒王小楼 pfp
Welcome everyone here
1 reply
7 recasts
26 reactions

super ツ pfp
super ツ
8 replies
6 recasts
23 reactions

Lefteris Karapetsas pfp
Lefteris Karapetsas
Good morning ☀️ Wish you a good day with a 📸 of a great tit gathering up food from a bird house in Berlin's Tiergarten. 🇩🇪 Kohlmeise | 🇬🇷 Καλόγερος | 🇵🇱 Sikorka Bogatka | 🇺🇦 Синиця велика
9 replies
14 recasts
258 reactions

WG 🎩🔵 pfp
WG 🎩🔵
Ready af @basefrens 🔥
3 replies
3 recasts
8 reactions

raz pfp
As the legendary lyrics say: "Cash rules everything around me.. Get the money! Support children on Guild, yoo"
5 replies
15 recasts
264 reactions

Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩 pfp
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧🎩
checked @nounishprof via @botornot -- hadn't checked in a bit -- I used to be a buildoooor -- now human cast machine (key word human). But @sayangel I'd like to lodge a complaint -- I cast repetitive GM FARCASTER casts not just gm casts. 🤣
5 replies
5 recasts
17 reactions

Justin Hunter pfp
Justin Hunter
I’m surprised by the number of young programmers who did the traditional CS degree path in this survey. I am biased towards self taught but CS is not going anywhere anytime soon.
1 reply
3 recasts
32 reactions

Aibi pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
2 replies
4 recasts
9 reactions

rCtsinei pfp
would like to cast with 9000 $FOMO
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

rCtsinei pfp
would like to cast with 9000 $FOMO
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

rCtsinei pfp
8000 $FOMO
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

Calistae pfp
Your potential is limitless. Keep challenging yourself and stay committed to your goals. You can achieve anything you set your mind to.
1 reply
1 recast
0 reaction

rCtsinei pfp
would like to cast with 6000 $FOMO
0 reply
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0 reaction

Laviniaawe pfp
2 replies
1 recast
0 reaction

rCtsinei pfp
would like to cast with 9000 $FOMO
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction

rCtsinei pfp
would like to cast with 9000 $FOMO
0 reply
0 recast
0 reaction