Pseudomata pfp



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Pseudomata pfp
🐰🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ ∞
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Pseudomata pfp
“If you find that you're spending almost all your time on theory, start turning some attention to practical things; it will improve your theories. If you find that you're spending almost all your time on practice, start turning some attention to theoretical things; it will improve your practice.” — Donald Knuth
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Pseudomata pfp
3 Body Problem was an excellent watch. Really eager for more seasons of it! I think the show did a really good job with time and pacing.
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Pseudomata pfp
Entitlement in both crypto and open source communities is so disheartening. People who don’t contribute anything productive feel entitled to airdrops or support/feature requests and become upset or aggressive. Sigh. Be better 😔
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Pseudomata pfp
Noob question: how does Starknet “enable privacy”? I see that tagline in marketing materials but I can’t find anything tangible. Pointer to docs would be appreciated. Better yet, any example doing something simple privately (e.g. a transaction)
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Pseudomata pfp
Welcome, @rph!
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Pseudomata pfp
This is an excellent post IMO. I like most of the patterns they discuss and it’s very thorough. If you’re writing web services in Go—check it out!
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Pseudomata pfp
Is there any tv or audio system that will automatically keep volume at a static dB level? Can barely hear dialogue, turn up volume, next scene is like 10x louder. Not a fan of subtitles. Is this actually a hard thing to solve? If so, why?
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Pseudomata pfp
What are some things Solana folks are excited about in the ecosystem for 2024? I see some excitement about Phone 2, anything else?
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Pseudomata pfp
I created an iCloud backup on my old iCloud, I switched all my devices to a new account and Warpcast shows me a “already backed up” so I can’t add it to this account. I still have my seed so I’m not worried but is there a way to force remove the backup so I can go through the flow again?
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Pseudomata pfp
I’ve been using Zed a bunch and opened some PRs as soon as they open sourced the editor (added Haskell support) and was kinda excited to get this email. Getting a hoodie airdropped 😅
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Pseudomata pfp
Those who got one: any thoughts on window alignment and such? Does it level out automatically on the horizontal axis? And can you “twist” around the… Z? axis?
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Pseudomata pfp
Gm, devs! What’s a new piece of technology you’re learning/working with this week? I’m picking up Haskell again to work on my site generator. Goal is to use Pandoc and write a plugin for syntax highlighting that uses tree-sitter instead of other markdown to html code block highlighters.
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Pseudomata pfp
I finally upgraded my personal computer form maxed out latest Intel-generation 16” MacBook Pro to a maxed out 16” MacBook Pro with M3 Max. This upgrade is continually blowing my mind. Spent 12 hours setting it up yesterday without being plugged in and ended with 10% battery. Compiling things is so much faster.
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Pseudomata pfp
I've been hacking around with tree-sitter and wanted to download different grammars to a central repository so I wrote a tiny program to do that. Adding a new grammar is pretty easy so I (or other contributors) can easily add them to the repository.
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Pseudomata pfp
It's been a few months and I'm happy to report the gym habit is now sticky! I've been going multiple times a week every week (minus 2 weeks during the holidays). The cardio fitness number hasn't budged but I'm mostly ignoring that, overall feeling healthier which is ultimately the goal.
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Pseudomata pfp
Assuming you have a partner and >1 room, did you and your partner take sleep shifts? Day on, day off, kind of thing? Let one partner get sleep for a few days and then rotate? Several people I asked said no and acted like that was a stupid idea without elaborating further.
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Pseudomata pfp
I implemented UUIDv7 in Common Lisp for fun. The implementation isn't very efficient since I decided to work with bit arrays before converting to bytes to deal with things like 48 bit integers. Plus some other dirty hacks but 🤷‍♂️
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Pseudomata pfp
I spent some time getting a very basic website together. Mostly tweaking style and playing around with layouts and what not. It's just a single static page right now. Let me know what you think!
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Pseudomata pfp
Send with a link is pretty cool, but the industry is also trained to never click on links and the link looks fishy. Almost 30 mins in, $2 still available lol
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