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Pseudomata pfp
Assuming you have a partner and >1 room, did you and your partner take sleep shifts? Day on, day off, kind of thing? Let one partner get sleep for a few days and then rotate? Several people I asked said no and acted like that was a stupid idea without elaborating further.
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McBain  pfp
We still do this on weekends
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Jackoff pfp
My wife and I talked about doing this. But she would have to wake up every time to breastfeed. After doing that for the first month, we got used to both of us waking up and now we’re ok with it! I get up, turn the night light on, change diaper if needed, then lay the baby down for my wife to do her thing.
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Michael pfp
Absolutely, 4 hour watches You can only do so much if you're still breastfeeding but just having someone else be the first line of defense was huge for my wife. Would strongly recommend a noise machine too. You'll probably develop crazy sharp hearing and drowning out little noises when you're off shift is key
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