Pseudomata pfp



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Pseudomata pfp
I think their IPs ended up on block lists due to mail spam. AFAIK the newer data centers had better reputation (Helsinki) and you have to ask support to open SMTP ports and they’ll want to have a bit of a relationship with you before they do that. I remember having to upload my passport.
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Pseudomata pfp
Word. Their Helsinki data center is really good, I’ve run several bare metal servers over the years. IIRC it’s run on 100% renewable energy (wind and solar and hydro) which is sweet. Pricing for really powerful AMD servers is great too!
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Pseudomata pfp
Hetzner is great but be wary of having anything even remotely related to cryptocurrencies running on those servers. They restrict not just mining but personal nodes (execution, consensus, light clients), and want nothing crypto related on their network.
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Pseudomata pfp
Links: - SICP: - K&R: - CS:APP:
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Pseudomata pfp
Very tough question 😅 probably one of: - SICP - K&R - CS:APP Mostly because I think these books have one thing in common which is that they introduce core concepts of computer science and work through actually writing code. I think they're fairly 'general' if that makes sense. Curious to hear about others!
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Pseudomata pfp
(Note: TIL Linux changed the policy to include “known handles” so it’s not limited to real names anymore
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Pseudomata pfp
I might try to find old IRC logs. This was under an older self-doxxed handle from college, I just didn’t use the real name in git config and honestly would have just submitted the patch under my real name if I wasn’t immediately met with aggression 🤷
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Pseudomata pfp
This was about a decade ago? IIRC I never actually submitted the patch but just asked for help/review in IRC. But this has come up a bunch for Linux (they have a strict name policy). Drew DeVault wrote about this recently.
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Pseudomata pfp
The conversation around allowing/disallowing anonymous contributors is gaining traction again unfortunately. What’s interesting to me is you can just use a made-up name and no one bats an eye. I got chewed out years ago on IRC for a contribution to Linux because I used a handle and not my legal name.
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Pseudomata pfp
Honestly their Domains service is pretty good. Best prices (no or maybe low markup). Only caveat is can’t set your own NS records (so can’t manage the domain through another provider like Vultr or Linode if you’re hosting servers there).
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Pseudomata pfp
🐰🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ 🕳️⤵ ∞
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Pseudomata pfp
And yeah I use NixOS (in VMs on my Mac, on my desktop, and on server) but nix (just the package manager) instead of Homebrew for me going on a few years now.
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Pseudomata pfp
I really like it, it’s really fast and incredibly well built. It doesn’t quite replace Emacs for me (hard to replace software you’ve used for a decade lol) but it’s increasingly my primary editor for most things. Give it a shot! It might feel familiar depending on what you normally use.
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Pseudomata pfp
Raycast Zed Warp Emacs Nix Safari (also Arc but more Safari) CleanShot X Tower (git GUI) VMware Fusion
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Pseudomata pfp
I just don’t think I can stay squatted for hours 😞
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Pseudomata pfp
“If you find that you're spending almost all your time on theory, start turning some attention to practical things; it will improve your theories. If you find that you're spending almost all your time on practice, start turning some attention to theoretical things; it will improve your practice.” — Donald Knuth
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Pseudomata pfp
One of these, for example (not this specific brand, just the first hit when I searched for "squat office chair")
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Pseudomata pfp
I saw these squat chairs that I was considering but they're pretty expensive and having already spent tons of money on Herman Miller chairs I didn't pull the trigger and wanted to try one in person first but didn't find a physical store that kept them...
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Pseudomata pfp
Payments/splitting bills are seriously such a pain when traveling. Daimo looks great, but doesn't this still require everyone to be onchain and/or have a balance on Base? If they have on/off ramps, don't those usually have fees too? I'd love to have a payment app work across borders 🤷
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Pseudomata pfp
Was software I used and got frustrated by a bug, went to IRC and someone suggested I try to fix it myself.
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