priyanka 🦉 pfp
priyanka 🦉
incentivizing people to mint your art in exchange for $DEGEN tip thereby increasing your allowance & doing this on repeat ain’t it. you are either preying on people who need money or incentivizing people who only care about money. not sure what sort of power trip people are getting out of this. disappointing to see.
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t0ma 🤌 pfp
t0ma 🤌
Mmmh that's actually what I've did this morning, didn't actually think about being considered negative or spammy honestly, just my way to say thanks to someone who collected a free piece of mine. Also, how is that different to tipping your drakula collectors?
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priyanka 🦉 pfp
priyanka 🦉
good question. happy to clarify. i did not tell them they are getting tipped for buying my token. those 8 folks bought in the first 1-2 days me joining and stuck around. there was no cast saying snapshot in 10 minutes to incentivize anyone to buy my token. it was simply to reward them long after they've supported me:)
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priyanka 🦉 pfp
priyanka 🦉
cc @t0ma basically what ted said
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Kosiris 🎩🔮🍖🧀 pfp
Kosiris 🎩🔮🍖🧀
Despite not having a prelude to whether you will tip or not, your action of tipping the people who collected your art or token is what others will see and then attempt to try and do the very behaviour you detest. You can’t have it both ways.
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t0ma 🤌 pfp
t0ma 🤌
Alright, put it in that way is different, I get it. I started doing it yesterday after seeing some big accounts doing it everyday - with a much higher allowance than mine - so didn't knew/thought about this being seen as spammy.. Won't probably do it anymore if that's the feeling..
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