priyanka🦉🎩 pfp



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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
if you own any of my editions, this includes all project collabs, then you're on the allowlist for Phase 2 tomorrow. check pinned in /priyanka for details. i will drop the collection link in /priyanka when the drop is live. below is a sneak peek of the color palette "blueprint". 🤓 💙
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
back to you
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
mind waves tomorrow on @highlight
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
smowl be like imma keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t get distracted every few minutes. 🔪
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
me planning something cool for /farcon
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
super excited to bring @theburrow on @base 🔵
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
my brightest blue collected by @plante.eth on @base
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
24 hours until 'mind waves' goes live! mint phases explained in the frame below.
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
i’ve casted only 5 few times today besides this one and 4 of those casts were scheduled through @supercast. this is the least # of casts i’ve sent out in a day since early Jan. 🫢 when it rains, it pours. accepting good juju and brain power to last the next 3 days at priyanka29 dot eth.
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
think higher ↑ mint ends in 13 hours with zora's new feature, you can pay with ETH if you don't own $HIGHER.
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
Patrons of Blue, is a space that i am to carve out on @base anchored by my vision to infuse the world with the calming and peaceful essence of blue. patrons who minted time for 6m or more will be eligible for BlueGM raffle. 👀💙
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
'like home' this city has always felt like home ever since summer 2012
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
hold on to tomorrow collected by @blocknoob
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
falling into blue
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
gn @ 4:48am 🫠😴
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
i’m so awkward that when i was asked to intro myself on a google meet call, i was like umm idk i’m priyanka and im a photographer yeah that’s it umm haha. 😭😭😭 i’ve never attended team meetings or had any experience working a “real” job and it shows afsgshsjsk. comm skills, grade F.
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
your fc experience will become a lot more enjoyable the moment you stop worrying about your react stats. i know it’s easy to say and difficult to practice, but there’s more to farcaster than $DEGEN. you just need to look beyond the noise.
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
when you broke my fall.. song for the night 😴💙
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
gotta take some time out to visit USC while i’m in LA next week for farcon. a friend(& roommate during usc) recently visited and shared photos and i went all 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 must. go. venice and usc are so freaking far tho. fml.
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priyanka🦉🎩 pfp
it’s 12:30am and i’m about to have my third cup of coffee.i haven’t had cup 3 within 24 hours in monthssss. very telling of how stressed i am rn bc i use coffee as a crutch. it feels safe and reminds me of home. it’s so weird. 🫠
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