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Noun 40 pfp
Noun 40
seems like ppl are curious about bitwise stuff but i want to mostly talk nouns! please send more questions related to my nouns takes you're curious about 🙏
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⌐◨-◨ BiGSHOT ⌐◨-◨ pfp
⌐◨-◨ BiGSHOT ⌐◨-◨
I have questions lol
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Sam pfp
I’m sure you already plan to but definitely want to hear you talk about $nouns. A follow up to that would be how you think the introduction of $nouns will affect the arbitrage game, positively, negatively, or not at all?
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krel pfp
fav nouns trait (except for void)
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krel pfp
what would your dream proposal look like/who would it be from
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5 reactions pfp
how do you think your “nouns as onchain society” thesis is playing out?
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Brennen ⌐◨-◨  テ Φ 🐻 pfp
Brennen ⌐◨-◨ テ Φ 🐻
Why that nouns head? If you had to replace your noun head which one would you choose? If you could fund anything and I mean anything, what would you want funded (moonshot funding, it better be big!)
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krel pfp
what drives you (wrt nouns)
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krel pfp
if you could change one thing about the protocols (as they were at noun id0) what would you change
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TheBower.eth pfp
What are your thoughts on decentralization in DAOs, many people say that DAO are already proven to not work and that complete decentralization is chaos. I believe with nouns we've managed a relatively healthy balance. For you, what is Nouns endgame in relation to its decentralization?
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orCarlos - Noun 976 pfp
orCarlos - Noun 976
Tips for anyone working on a prop. What gets an instant yes/no from you?
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Joshua Fisher ⌐◨-◨ テ🎩 pfp
Joshua Fisher ⌐◨-◨ テ🎩
You are magically transported to season 1, knowing what you know now what would you have done differently with the fork upgrade? What are some expected and unexpected effects you’ve noticed?
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SQX 🎩 ⌐◨-◨ 🧾🍖 pfp
SQX 🎩 ⌐◨-◨ 🧾🍖
Proudest moment as a ⌐◨-◨ holder? Lowest moment? It’s been a long strange trip. If ⌐◨-◨ had to pick 1 singular focus?
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Messhup  pfp
If you can choose only one option to decide the future of Nouns, which one would be, and why? 1. Appeal to masses 2. Niche down
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Messhup  pfp
If Nouns goes unstoppable and it gets in every product and industry, does that mean it becomes generic? if so, is generic a bad thing or are we just reaching peak proliferation (aka a good thing)?
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Bixbite 👽  pfp
Bixbite 👽
Heres a few: What are your thoughts on cross chain proliferation? Should Nouns support protocols on other chains besides ETH if they are in the spirit of Nouns? ….Could you ever see Nouns running a round like the OP We Love The Art, but for developers? What are your thoughts on the best way to onboard for developers?
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