Kiran pfp
voice-first products are insanely overhyped. anything that requires you to explicitly talk to it is strictly worse than just having a screen. the idea of having "an AI assistant you can just walk around with talk to" is useless
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Kiran pfp
"oh but you can walk up to a building and ask the AI what you're looking at, and it can provide you with cool facts!" when the hell have I ever needed to do that
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Brenner pfp
As “products” become more like “talking to a friend or colleague”, there will be more and more people that like it
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Colin pfp
I use my google home very frequently, so I can see the value in having voice assistants
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m_j_r pfp
agreed, my ideal interface is still buttons. the current paradigm just can't dispose of the inconvenience of holding the buttons & visual output in a certain orientation that remains slightly strenous. massive improvement compared to 20 years ago, still hasn't arrived at the point.
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Colin Johnson pfp
Colin Johnson
💯 Humans absorb much more information much more quickly through visual input. And we don’t need extra volume cluttering our airwaves from people at all points in time.
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