Colin pfp



1426 Following

Colin pfp
Composer action idea: create a long form paragraph post from the composer. Useful for when you want to say more characters than Warpcast allows. Automatically logs you into your paragraph account and lets you begin writing a new post. When you’re finished writing, publish it, and it gets turned into a frame in the Warpcast composer, ready for casting
3 replies
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14 reactions

Colin pfp
What's everyone writing this weekend?
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9 reactions

Colin pfp
Weekly Paragraph annoyances thread If you were BDFOPF, what would you have us work on? BDFOPF = benevolent dictator for one Paragraph feature Things we already know: - Search - Metrics dashboard
16 replies
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67 reactions

Colin pfp
Cool personal usage of AI: Now that I have all my wines inventoried, I exported a CSV from Cellartracker, uploaded it to ChatGPT and asked it for the best wine pairings for a meal I’m cooking tomorrow
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43 reactions

Colin pfp
Cooked air fried salmon with mango avocado salsa tonight for dinner. Turned out very well! Recipe below.
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Colin pfp
Went to Napa this weekend. Tasted at Patz & Hall and Darioush. Both fantastic wineries. I’ve had the Patz & Hall Chardonnay before which I love. I tasted a couple Pinot noirs which unfortunately didn’t blow me away. Darioush has never disappointed, and I was fortunate enough they let us sample the Darius II. Phenomenal wines.
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6 reactions

Colin pfp
What's the best thing you read this weekend? Articles, blogposts, casts, books -- anything.
13 replies
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46 reactions

Colin pfp
Wow, can’t believe how spot on this frame is —- Colin-kun's waifu pillow is a giant Paragraph logo, uwu~ He snuggles it while dreaming of Farcaster integrations, nya! Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
2 replies
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46 reactions

Colin pfp
Heading to Napa this weekend. Best wineries to visit in Sonoma?
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31 reactions

Colin pfp
What's everyone writing this weekend?
7 replies
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21 reactions

Colin pfp
Realized that prod Sentry issues were easy to ignore, so I set up a new workflow: - Created 'Triage' section on Linear - Used to enroll Paragraph engineers into an alternating onduty rotation - Sentry now files issues to Linear, into this triage section - Linear integrates with to auto-assign Triage bugs to onduty Onduty's job is to triage, fix or close the Linear/Sentry issues. Benefits: - All bugs now in one place. Linear is source of truth - Sentry alerts are much more actionable w/ clear owners
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17 reactions

Colin pfp
Just set up automod for the /paragraph channel and the onboarding flow was seamless. Great work @jtgi
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26 reactions

Colin pfp
Can confirm, Farcaster-powered disqus-esque commenting is awesome
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50 reactions

Colin pfp
I got notified in Coinbase wallet of an airdrop (thanks @daylight) I’m trying to claim in CB wallet but I can’t press the Confirm button
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20 reactions

Colin pfp
Bridging to Zora and I don't know what "deposit" vs "instant deposit" is. I'd seem to receive both in 1 minute
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24 reactions

Colin pfp
Weekly Paragraph annoyances thread If you were BDFOPF, what would you have us work on? BDFOPF = benevolent dictator for one Paragraph feature Things we already know: - Search - Metrics dashboard
12 replies
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43 reactions

Colin pfp
Awesome to see Paragraph's impact on the Superchain recognized by @optimism!
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33 reactions

Colin pfp
Bought a CellarTracker subscription this weekend and inventoried my wine for the first time. I really like CellarTracker and in general keeping an inventory: - able to clearly see drinking windows for all bottles - metrics on cellar growth, wine region, etc over time - reviews and ratings Definitely recommend exploring CellarTracker!
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8 reactions

Colin pfp
Ideal outcome for a new engineering hire: shipping code by the end of their first day. - emphasizes culture of urgency & shipping - forcing function to improve documentation and dev tooling such that new eng’s can get onboarded quickly
7 replies
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58 reactions

Colin pfp
What's the best thing you read this weekend? Articles, blogposts, casts, books -- anything.
10 replies
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58 reactions