ncitron.eth pfp



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ncitron.eth pfp
Had a great time talking with @jessepollak and @hackr about all things rollups! Definitely worth a listen.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Finally a memecoin I can get behind
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ncitron.eth pfp
Oh also I guess the BTC -> ETH direction also would introduce a trust assumptions if you just verify the PoW rather than all STF so you lose correctness under a 51% attack rather than just consistency which is all native btc loses, so I guess that's a degradation over trustless as well.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Not sure how quilibrium gets you to trustless though. I haven't looked into their MPC scheme but I assume it's honest majority to ensure liveness?
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ncitron.eth pfp
I guess it depends on direction. Going to BTC to ETH would only be efficient with a snark and would therefore be trustless. Going from ETH to BTC is more complicated and I guess could be done via the ETH sync committee in ZK via BitVM or just with a trusted threshold sig. Both of these are honest majority though.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Cicero's In Catilinam is the craziest diss track I've ever heard. He puts modern day rappers to shame way back in 63 BC.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Want to try it out? Check out our documentation.
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ncitron.eth pfp
New Jolt feature just dropped! Jolt programs now support using the Rust Standard Library! This means that nearly all existing Rust programs are compatible with Jolt, opening up the door for new applications that make use of Rust's full ecosystem.
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ncitron.eth pfp
You'll never see your schemes get broken if you don't live long enough
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ncitron.eth pfp
no amount
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Sam Ragsdale pfp
Sam Ragsdale
Jolt has a ton of low hanging fruit waiting for the right harvester. We're teeing these up in Github issues and we'll regularly refresh. Great way to get your feet wet with ZK and play a role in the impending revolution. Examples below.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Durham brunch is elite. Also make sure to try Dame's chicken and waffles and Grub.
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EulerLagrange.eth pfp
@eulerlagrange.eth @ncitron.eth I got the hardest part of verifying TLS proofs working in Jolt. During the notarization an encoding of the transcript is made using a ChaChaRng. It's also why we can selectively disclose parts of the transcript. 0.08s for each round... :] 👏 @eddy
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ncitron.eth pfp
Should be doable! There's one config thing we need to expose from Jolt first but we'll have that soon. We also don't support the standard library yet, but Helios should port to no_std easily. We'll also be support the standard library soon. Let's chat about it!
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ncitron.eth pfp
Reasonable take
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ncitron.eth pfp
I'm in London unfortunately. Will be at farawaycon here though.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Also yes as soon as we have a TestFlight I'll reach out.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Yeah apologies @ted and everyone who's been waiting. Been a bit busy with Jolt but now that it's out I'll hopefully have enough time to clean things up enough to open source it and publish a MVP. Also if anyone wants to help out and has swift experience please hit me up. Project will be open source and free forever.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Yeah we've noticed some strangeness when installing the target. This is actually what jolt install-target does but for some reason it doesn't seem to always take. Mind sharing what system you are using? Glad you were able to get it up and running with no issues! Hoping to see some cool stuff get built on top of Jolt!
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EulerLagrange.eth pfp
It’s great day when we have a new proving system to play with! The new lookup argument Thaler came up with is quite brilliant and beautiful. Give it a try here: Congrats to @samrags @moodlezoup @ncitron.eth @eddy Direct your Qs to the first 3 🫡
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