ncitron.eth pfp



423 Following

ncitron.eth pfp
and boy oh boy am I good at saying dumb stuff
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ncitron.eth pfp
One thing I really don't love about Farcaster is that there is cryptographic proof of every dumb thing I say.
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ncitron.eth pfp
I agree
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ncitron.eth pfp
Because it means you'll never have a chance to be added to the list.
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ncitron.eth pfp
This is probably my all time favorite. Only disclaimer is that it very quickly ramps up rather than staying high level for long. It doesn't really require any advanced prerequisite knowledge though.
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ncitron.eth pfp
I don't think the auto follow list was a mess up. It produced a high quality initial feed and was easy to implement. Sure it wasn't the most fair, but who cares if it's fair but new users have a bad experience and churn. I think the new starting feed will be an improvement in quality and will be a little more fair, but this doesn't mean the initial list mechanism was a terrible idea. It was quick, easy, and highly effective. And sure now there are a bunch of people with tons of followers, the "faristocracy" as some call it. Is this some great evil? I don't think so. I have a great time on here with 2.4k followers, and I hope they are having a blast with their 250k followers.
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ncitron.eth pfp
I think this reaffirms my point. There is a resurgence of people pointing out the unfairness of the auto follow list now that it has been dropped. I think a lot of people (and I admit I was one of them) were secretly hoping that they would end up on the list, and now those aspirations are crushed and they will have to climb the popularity rankings the hard way. Totally agree on the following count not necessarily being a good metric, as plenty of people who were never on the list have equivalent or greater numbers of "quality followers" compared to their faristrocratic counterparts. Also as a side note, I think the auto follow list was broadly a good thing because it was easy to implement and worked well. It may not have been the fairest mechanism but the goal is to bootstrap a quality feed so that people have a good experience with the product rather than to produce the most egalitarian system. I hope the new algorithmic starting feed will be just as high quality and a little more fair.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Everyone who was complaining about the auto follow list who is now complaining about it being removed has outed themselves as really just being mad that they themselves weren't on the auto follow list.
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ncitron.eth pfp
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ncitron.eth pfp
old: double entry bookkeeping new: client diversity
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ncitron.eth pfp
heat stroke is just weakness leaving the body
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Stephan pfp
supposedly it's possible to determine the sign bit of an ECDSA public key given two distinct signature & message pairs can someone explain how?
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ncitron.eth pfp
If you saw my form you would be sure I was in the gravity chamber
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ncitron.eth pfp
Does anyone else purposefully run in the afternoon to get exposed to the peak daily temperature? I don't know if this is actually good for me but I can absolutely crush NYC summer heat now.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Did you ever figure out why using reqwest causes the issue though? Seems a bit odd that reqwest wouldn't work on an android device.
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ncitron.eth pfp
My latte art has gotten really rusty being away from my machine for so long. First art attempt since late March. Not horrible but will hopefully be back to posting pretty lattes in no time.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Nah. I wish
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ncitron.eth pfp
That's what Fred said... He couldn't.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Fun fact: I've actually waterboarded someone before in highschool who thought it couldn't possibly be that bad and asked our friends to waterboard him. Turns out it really is every bit as bad as people claim.
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ncitron.eth pfp
Legendary. Would love to be a beta tester.
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