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Murtaza Hussain
One thing I love about America is that it is a place where you can invent partially or entirely new identities. As a country consisting of waves of immigrants across different eras one has opportunity to be freed of the shackling constraints of the “Old World” where one is born in a certain role and tribe and expected to follow its norms, practices, and beliefs unquestiongly. The reason I bring this up is related to the politics of diaspora groups. I think that diaspora politics is not just legitimate but warranted given the huge footprint of U.S. foreign and economy policy. But I do believe that diasporas should seek to be constructive in their political proposals and not simply replicate the conflicts of the Old World in a new country. America is a land of reinvention and reconciliation and it’s possible that people at odds with each other in one part of the world can become a model for coexistence in another — while also injecting fresh ideas to help ameliorate conflicts between tribes globally.
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This was one of the first few things I realized after my feet touched America's ground, there's no expectation or mould you have to fit in, it's your merits that count, at least during my academic years.
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richie is foraging
in ny, two of my closest friends are from currently warring geos. it has been tense at times, but it also has been beautiful to watch them navigate. we've all learned a lot from their example.
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