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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Since all FarCon attendees are getting a free 10 USDC Bountycaster credit to use towards an IRL bounty during the event, what are creative bounties people can post with them? Want to start seeding ideas early on :) Top 10 ideas will get a 1000 $degen tip each @bountybot
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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Awesome ideas! Thank you all @bountybot complete @samantha @samuellhuber @aleph @jj @egork3kk @ahiru @nith567 @isteve.eth @tophb @smileydoc
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Bounty Bot pfp
Bounty Bot
Confirmed! On your bounty page, you can pay users and view their bounty completion history Your 🤖 status commands - @bountybot cancel - @bountybot in progress - @bountybot complete (optional: tag winners)
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Aleph 🎩 ↑ pfp
Aleph 🎩 ↑
Bounty idea: A picture of anyone with fid < 100 sleeping/napping.
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egork3kk ✴️ pfp
egork3kk ✴️
bounty idea: to invite people to take it for themselves or double it and give it to the next one, to reward people who agreed to double it and give it to the next one, as a social experiment
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Me along with /trashnfts will be donating $300 and doing a community cleanup at FarCon with Venice Community Cleanups! Folks can put up a $10 bounty to help sponsor supplies for other folks attending the cleanup 🤗
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John Jung pfp
John Jung
People can post an IRL bounty where they find a booth or person and like the first X people to meet each other gets the bounty kinda like an ice breaker - could make it a default thing if people don’t know what to use it for but do a “transaction” have a mixer frame and assign people to meet
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ahiru 🎩💤 pfp
ahiru 🎩💤
They can ask trivia questions on various topics related to the event, and offer bounties to attendees who answer questions correctly!
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Smiles pfp
FarCon Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of quirky items to find around the convention center (e.g., "A photo with a droid cosplayer and a cat ear headband"). The first person to complete the hunt wins the bounty. Or look for Best Fan Creation: Offer a bounty for the most creative fan art, 👇👇
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Samuel pfp
talk & take selfies with 3 people you don't already follow but met IRL with
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Nithin pfp
Creating a list of items or tasks that attendees must complete during the event complete tasks like taking selfies with specific coplayers (founders),grabbing merchandise or finding hidden objects,secret code. The first to finish all tasks wins the bounty.
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Toph🎩🔵 pfp
Bounty idea: hid stickers with different numbers at different locations in farcon.. Who ever picks the highest number wins the bounty
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iStΞvΞ 🎩 pfp
iStΞvΞ 🎩
**Cultural Exchange**: Create a bounty for attendees to share and teach each other about their respective cultures through food, music, dance, or other forms of expression. This can promote cultural understanding and appreciation.
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Dekompoza🎩🍖 pfp
Set up challenges that require attendees to interact with each other or with specific event features, such as networking tasks or participating in group discussions, with bounties for the most active participants
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zkSnarky pfp
To tip any service person they interact with if they onboard them. Can driver, bar tender, servers
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albert pfp
@kurushdubash check out what @linda and @pirosb3 have been building at @bountycaster!!! another great example of a farcaster ecosystem company
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Arob1000 🍖 💎 🎩  pfp
Arob1000 🍖 💎 🎩
Bounty Idea: Pictures of the participants with arts/crafts representing what they think FarCon/Farcaster's core principles/values are.
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Pedro pfp
Create an open, collaborative Google Maps listing the spots that accept crypto payments around LA. I'd happily chip in 😉
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Petra ⊙ 🪼 pfp
Petra ⊙ 🪼
Very simple yet practical idea: Pay someone to lend their phone/computer charger
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Zenigame pfp
Bounty Idea: Buy a meal together with another attendee and swap a dish. Snap a photo of the newly compiled meal.
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