Leith Lyf pfp

Leith Lyf


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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Going to go and shovel front walkway for the first time this year, as about 1.5" of snow on the yew branches outside the window, and I don't want roof dripline to turn it into skating walkway
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Partner and I both have something. They're coughing phlegm from lungs, I'm not there yet. Ontario stopped funding rapid tests a few months ago. Upside: roommate agreed partner can stay for month instead of flying home Saturday. Because we get a $200 credit on future flight with their rebooked flight in January.
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Ottawa is damp cold. Woke up with everything aching. Car is in for service. Feel like I should go to trans day of remembrance ceremony, but partner has work until after it is finished, and the thought of going alone feels not doable with this level of pain. May change mind in afternoon 🤷
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
I've been trying to post on Bluesky to model to local pagan community influx what it can be. And that interaction makes for better experience than lurking. Then I got feverish 😂🦝
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
I put a new warp on my pin loom, and started a pouch while showing up for group gender journeys session. I don't love how the yarn pooled close together -so far-, but will see how this one turns out. Might do a second one where I try to manipulate where the colors show up, i.e. shorter lengths of weft
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Is it possible to get the NFC chips from you to add to our own artwork? thought specifically is that I run off about 50 relief prints through my etching press as holiday cards and this would be neat bonus feature bridging digital and physical
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
I have some atmospheric video I would like to share and/or offer for minting, but I don't know how. Anyone have suggestions? If possible, explain it like I am five. Especially around costs. (Started with recording waves in San Diego, and realized I couldn't attach video like photos - makes sense, file size)
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Most famous might skew dependent on age group
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Safely back from San Diego via Chicago yesterday afternoon. Rested most of day today, then surfed the stairs and gently hit my head on a ladder. Was on my way to grab a bagel.
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
One side of my flap is a mess. Doing this badly is better than doing nothing. And reminding myself I haven't touched my actual looms since 2022, and cardboard and mercerized crochet cotton are slippery combo for the warp.
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Concept inspired from this video, after seeing a short version reposted on FB from the creator's original 1 minute Instagram post. I naturally forgot to re-watch it before I started working once I had acquired yarn and pins 🤦 https://youtu.be/7N9xFS-452A?si=NJtvZhkdmg1C7PQ-
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Meant to have a nap. Ended up watching another episode of Deep Space Nine while working on an improvised cardboard loom. Now curled up beside partner playing their bass to YouTube. (At some point I'll figure out how long I have been working on this, but cut cardboard, placed pins, warped, and started yesterday)
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Hey did the workers get your poison ivy patch? I chucked depressedly at the potentially shitty later for them. Not in terms of -wanting- them to experience harm, as they are unlikely have had anything to do with the decision.
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Fuck. This has been my nightmare for years. I am so sorry. How's your local Buy Nothing groups? Maybe people will be splitting plants in spring -of varieties you want- and share.
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
I joked we make a trail of nuts to patio, squirrel brings raccoon friends. Partner's roommate loves the thought, partner does not. Had squirrel showed up week 1 of 4, instead of week 4 of 4, trail of nuts for squirrel would have already happened 😂
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
I took a photo of a squirrel in San Diego. I had been told squirrels existed here, but hadn't spotted one until the other afternoon. Now just to find some raccoons 🦝💚
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Human-bot collaboration for physical objects. This is intriguing, I've been low grade fever for few days and missing having my workshop at hand
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Yesterday and today have been rolling a D&D character for tonight. First time in at least 5 years. Might be closer to 10 years. I can't remember, but the last paper game was at a festival with Dyson, who makes awesome maps, as our DM
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
Met partner's closest family yesterday. They were welcoming and kind in ways beyond wildest hopes. I spun most of a 50g batt into yarn as a fidget while listening, around eating tasty food, and then in car ride back (Wanted to get it all spun, to have a number count in head, but then slept from lore dump processing)
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Leith Lyf pfp
Leith Lyf
I took a photo yesterday morning. Figured out getting into the exercise bike, outdoor shower and pool. Swimming in pool doing laps had me winded after 10 minutes. Which feels weird given I played about ½ hour waist deep in waves at the beach, and usually spend about same in the river fighting the current all summer
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