Katherine pfp
a new funded metabolic psych research center πŸ‘€ https://lister-institute.org.uk/danny-smith-to-lead-a-new-4-million-hub-for-metabolic-psychiatry/ Chris Palmer popularized the notion that many mental health issues are metabolic w/Brain Energy https://brainenergy.com/ Excited to see more resources go to this
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Kyle pfp
Oh interesting... I've tended to look at this the other way: my mental state causing my eating/appetite to change (usually to just not being able to eat anything at all). Now I wanna read this and see it from the other direction: my diet/appetite causing my mental state to change. Hadn't thought in this direction b4
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drewcoffman pfp
would you rec Big Brain Energy? never heard of it!
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Sam pfp
Have you read the book? If so would you recommend it?
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Vanessa Williams pfp
Vanessa Williams
Interesting take. I wonder if it’s worth the read. πŸ€” I have heard hypotheses about microbiomes but not metabolism generally. The book has great reviews all around but it’s nastily expensive in πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦.
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