Katherine pfp



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Katherine pfp
I’m compelled by this although not enough to significantly lower my protein intake My overarching sense is that in another decade we will think about all macronutrients completely differently https://x.com/exfatloss/status/1784412118671937823
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Katherine pfp
My “first cast” 😆 “hi I messed up” (I lost access to my first Farcaster acct and huffed off before coming back with a new account. I was so embarrassed to return hahaha) Frame by @tom-major
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Katherine pfp
I had already had all my travel booked for FarCon, but if I hadn’t, I would be road tripping to San Antonio to meet up with some urologists that we’ve zoom called with. The American Urological Association’s annual meeting is the same weekend 😊 peepee poopoo so it goes 😜
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Katherine pfp
So as many of you know I’m working at a company building a passive gut health + hydration tracker that goes on your 🚽 Inculcated by “hot girls have ibs” I always thought poop was the bigger problem But over my 2mo on the job have learned a LOT about pee. It has been the biggest surprise to me by far Cont…
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Katherine pfp
Those that know me well know I am the farthest thing from a happy person myself! I actively resent being alive a LOT ffs lol However none of you asked to have your parades rained on all the time by me. Misanthropy is a turn off. To show up with happiness, kindness and humor costs me nothing and pays dividends
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Katherine pfp
Where should I go to the gym in Austin? I can work out at home but kind of want a more community vibe gym. Anyone have any faves?
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Katherine pfp
Could never be me (vow of celibacy)
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Katherine pfp
a new funded metabolic psych research center 👀 https://lister-institute.org.uk/danny-smith-to-lead-a-new-4-million-hub-for-metabolic-psychiatry/ Chris Palmer popularized the notion that many mental health issues are metabolic w/Brain Energy https://brainenergy.com/ Excited to see more resources go to this
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Katherine pfp
The edibles makers are stepping up to offer me the low dose THC products I want 1mg THC 🤩 https://gossamer.co/products/thc-wintergreen-mints
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Katherine pfp
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Katherine pfp
I was complaining about eating unhealthily when I first moved to Texas and my coworker was like “was it actually unhealthy or did you just eat more?” o____O Fair point my friend, fair point
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Katherine pfp
Hi Mr. Ek @eldsjal, I am writing to you today to humbly plea for you to pay whatever it takes to get Garth Brooks’ music out of Amazon exclusivity and on to your platform. Doing such a deal would eliminate the only reason to use Amazon, get you massive amounts of earned media, and delight your customers. Thank you
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Katherine pfp
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Katherine pfp
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Katherine pfp
I found this cast and right-up-my-alley article by picking through the trending casts sorted by new social capital metric demo on @airstack https://app.airstack.xyz/query/31Y5aCzGg4?_gl=1*lnv1rs*_ga*Nzc1NTMxNzI4LjE3MTQxNjYyMDY.*_ga_6PP294SC61*MTcxNDE2NjIwNi4xLjEuMTcxNDE2NjIxMS4wLjAuMA..
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Katherine pfp
>I'm in charge of getting everything except furniture for our new office >with my boss being like hmmm hmmm what do we need don't want to forget anything >"just ask ChatGPT" >Grabbed his phone >Talked to ChatGPT about our company size and problem Wouldn't you know it, we got a great list back of all the basics
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Katherine pfp
Met a guy who works for the janitor company that services the Tesla Gigafactory. He told me that they clean the bathrooms there EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES due to the frequency of use
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Katherine pfp
Thank you Taylor for this anthem for my people (high functioning depressives) https://open.spotify.com/track/4q5YezDOIPcoLr8R81x9qy?si=-oswT6ZISyCqC3MNW6knVw&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1DXa90jZU6E5GN
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Katherine pfp
A professional lie-spotter gives tips and tricks on how to spot people lying in business Can’t wait to dive in as an earnest and too trusting soul who often feels overwhelmed by our current great age of grift https://open.spotify.com/episode/1C2a7dYDVK4IChBN97Fa7T?si=IyXblLfsS3GDou8zZdJZew
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Katherine pfp
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