Sam pfp



437 Following

Sam pfp
Remember to check your @farcaster storage usage either in the app or using storage expires every 12 months and so it’s likely that early users will be getting close to the end of their initial amounts.
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Sam pfp
Proud collector of this amazing base genesis piece.
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Sam pfp
Just shipped a bug fix for an issue folks were seeing when trying to pay with ETH with the frame. This should be all fixed now
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Sam pfp
We’ve been homeschool our kid for the last 9 months and there have been times I was unsure how it was going / were we doing the right thing. But he came in today and showed me he could blow a bubble with his gum and that made me realise we were doing it right
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Sam pfp
Ok @st3ve if you were introducing the dead to someone who knew of them but had never jumped into their body of work where would you point them to?
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Sam pfp
Posting to /vip because I think they might get it!
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Sam pfp
What part of the cosy web (if at all) or part of the internet would you categorise the likes of otherinternet, trust supply, new models, the dark forest collective, autonomous worlds network, SFPC, fruitful school?
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Sam pfp
I think maybe the only way to scratch this itch of creating something and hopefully will provide some clarity on what I should build is actually doing some writing. I’ve had a few themes in my head I’d like to get out of my head and into a document.
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Sam pfp
I’ve got an itch to build a new app of some kind but I’m coming up blank with ideas. Something in the vein of the cosy web/ usb club / p2p web kinda stuff. Any ideas gladly received!
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Sam pfp
Very cool new project from Kristoffer and Elliott
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Sam pfp
This whole album causes me to have the most intense synthesia response
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Sam pfp
Anyone here read “I am a strange loop” and can tell me the deep math parts finishes soon? I really enjoyed the first few chapters but chapters 9 and 10 feel like a real slog.
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Sam pfp
Twirling an idea around in my head to finally do something with my Playdate other than just play games on it.
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Sam pfp
Does anyone know if Protocol Kits are still available? Im deeply interested in this space and all the overlapping pieces but struggle to read papers and such online. I’d be happy to pay for it if possible! Cc @vgr
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Sam pfp
Does anyone know of a brand that does a similar style to East Fork Pottery in the UK? I love east fork but shipping is prohibitively expensive
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Sam pfp
Douglas Hofstadter talking about his and therefore our “abstraction ceiling”’s feels like a stroke of genius and something I keep coming back to when thinking about how I think about things and what concepts I struggle with and why as well as others!
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Sam pfp
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Sam pfp
I love seeing Cloudflare blog posts using Radar, an initial version that me and a few others built very very very quickly with the remit of what would cool stories would you be able to tell if you had access to the firehose of traffic data going through CF. I built the first versions UI on my own because all other engineers had been pulled into big birthday week projects and I think I got the final endpoints about 3 days before we were announcing it.
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Sam pfp
What the best options out there for a lightweight react framework? Next is where I normally reach to but want something that is bit less “everything” at this point.
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Sam pfp
Setup my @farcaster hub today still need to get the grafana dash working but almost there. Definitely trickier than I thought it was gonna be when trying to use docker without pulling the whole repo.
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