Kyle pfp



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Kyle pfp
What kick was more impressive for Leon: Usman 1 or this?
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Kyle pfp
@cj did you see this
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Kyle pfp
Anyone here ever shaped a board before? I kinda wanna go try a shaping lesson at a shop somewhere for my next board
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Kyle pfp
Does anyone know if its possible/a way to use @privy for user auth, but then use @neynar signer/write api for posting to the farcaster protocol? (since @privy's write functionality is still experimental)
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Kyle pfp
ITAP: Touched some grass (and granite and sand and dirt and water) today.
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Kyle pfp
Still in the market for anything full-stack, frontend, backend or data engineering. Have 3 years as a full-stack engineer with web3 experience and 4 years as a data engineer, as well as years of building side projects on my own. Typescript, python, dart (flutter) have been primary tools. Tons of SQL and NoSQL.
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Kyle pfp
Been writing letters to myself every day all month and re-reading them at night. One of the best parts has been re-reading them and seeing myself say nice things to myself. Then was thinking, I've done a good amount of gratitude journaling/affirmations, but then forget them after I'm finished for the time. Anyone know of an app or service that sends you notifications or texts throughout the day as reminders of the nice things you are able to think about yourself? If not, I might have to make a super simple one because I think I'd like to get a buzz once or twice a day reminding me of things I like. It's put a smile on my face re-reading my letters at night and I imagine this would too.
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Kyle pfp
At the suggestion of @jpfraneto for the poems I wrote for First Draft last week, I decided to take some photos so you don't have to go to the link. Here they are.
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Kyle pfp
Decided to branch out and try poetry for /firstdraft. My first time, not the best but I don't think it completely sucks:
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Kyle pfp
Used to love riding and watching Tours when I was in high school. Then I fell off, but last year and this years Unchained on Netflix is getting close to igniting that spark again, for sure for watching this year's Tour de France and maybe even to jump back in the saddle. Who else is watching?
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Kyle pfp
Expectations are an illusion. Last minute changed my topic because I was running out of time for what I planned to write. This is definitely a very, very rough first draft that isn't very good or well thought thru. Wanted to still get something for the deadline. I don't have an all-nighter in me this week.
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Kyle pfp
Maybe my worst writing for /firstdraft (real ironic) because I'm tired and it's getting late and I don't wanna be up all night. I had a different topic in mind but it was going to take way too long to write b4 the deadline, so I threw this together:
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Kyle pfp
So Conor is out and we get Pereira vs Jiri 2 and Lopes vs Ortega for 303. What we think? I like lopes vs Ortega as a fight, that's a banger, hate it's short notice tho. Feel so bad for chandler. Good dude who spent a whole camp training, probably already started to cut, now gets his payday rugged
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Kyle pfp
with only 100 people here, it seems like us SD folks need to onboard some more local folks
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Kyle pfp
Update: it did not go well, felt bad for my partner since it was random flip doubles
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Kyle pfp
Here it is, after a long and late night trying to finish. My attempt at poetry. This one was a rough one to get the creative juices flowing and to feel confident enough to publish these. Let me know what ya'll think!
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Kyle pfp
For /firstdraft I've been challenging myself to write different forms of writing than I usually do. Last week was short semi-fiction. This week, I tried poetry (or as best I could muster for it). It truly was a challenge (and a struggle). Here it is, my 1st poems:
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Kyle pfp
Playing league for the first time in a few months this morning. Ace pot is juicy. Ready to grip it and rip it
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Kyle pfp
Name one thing better than popping popcorn and having no unpopped kernels after šŸ¤Œ
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Kyle pfp
A cool memorial at the dog park
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