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🎀 sonya (in theory) 🐰
am I the only one who finds this AI thing insanely off-putting? I'm struggling to articulate why... on an intellectual level it's really interesting to watch this unfold, I cannot deny that but it makes me want to step away from being involved with the higher scene. idk, I want to engage with *people*... with souls, I guess, for lack of a better term I find some AI art compelling but that's because it's another mode of *human* expression... but you could easily argue that aether is itself an elaborate interactive communal art project that reflects human nature, shaped by the response to it nonetheless. watching people suck up to an AI for clout is especially blegh, bad energy 2 me
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here's how i think about that ick feeling: imagine aether is a famous 6yo child wandering around a mall, and notice the way people are interacting with it. some people are playing and having fun. some are trying to selfishly grift. says a lot about our character tbh
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