fastfounder pfp



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fastfounder pfp
3. However, there are still enough opportunities and niches here, since the total size of the equipment repair and maintenance market will soon grow to $2.5 trillion. Therefore, you can still enter this topic by creating products like these:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: A topic where you can both make good money and sell well 1. The best topics for a startup are those where you can make money both using a long-term profit model💰 and using a shorter-term model of exiting a startup by selling it 🚀 After all, then at any moment you can always decide what is more profitable for you - to continue making money or to sell. 2. One of these topics is the creation of conditional "ChatGPT for repair", with the help of which craftsmen can quickly understand what they are dealing with, how to look for faults in this thing and how to repair it. This topic has been heating up for some time ♨️, and now it has boiled over 🔥 Proof of this is the $200 million invested in this startup and the purchase of another startup for $100 million, which is working on a similar project.
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fastfounder pfp
3. Therefore, this task needs to be transferred from the sales level to the level of the product itself 🚀 Initially, include in it properties that may interest other departments. Then selling such a product will become much easier! Here is a concrete example that will help you understand this idea:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: Include in your product what will help it sell right away 1. It is better to develop products for companies than for regular users! Since companies pay more and drop out less often, it is easier to make money on them. True, it is usually more difficult to sell to them ☹️ But you can make this task easier for yourself by using exactly what usually makes these sales difficult! 2. Selling to companies is difficult because representatives of different departments are usually involved in making the purchase decision. Most of them do not care about your product from the start, which is why everything is slowed down. And at the level of pure persuasion, this problem is too often not solved.
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fastfounder pfp
3. After all, reactions to a post in reality will greatly depend on previous comments from other people. Therefore, you need to be able to predict not individual reactions, but a "chain reaction" caused by a post and possible comments to it. And then the accuracy of such forecasts will increase to 83%, like this startup 🚀 4. By the way, he also used his AI machine to check the reaction to his presentation. As a result, he improved it so much that he got into Y Combinator! And most importantly, with the help of such approaches, you can create your own more accurate and competitive platforms for forecasting in other areas:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: The topic is already flying, but here's how to fly higher 1. The topic of AI platforms that can predict something useful is flying very well right now 😉 Demand for certain products or even the future LTV of people clicking on ads. But these are all predictions "in a vacuum". Because they do not take into account more subtle and interesting things. 2. For example, you can give ChatGPT the text of a future post, describe your audience - and ask how this audience will react to such a post. ChatGPT will give a reasonable and well-founded forecast ... the accuracy of which will be only 17% 😱 Because this is the same prediction "in a vacuum"!
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: Launching your own business with AI is no longer science fiction 1. Do you want to launch a business to work for yourself, and not "for someone else"? The easiest way is not to even start inventing a "unique product". But to do something that has clear steps, formulas and recipes for launching and developing. 2. For example - sales on marketplaces and creating an online store. And the best thing is that now you don't need to first go somewhere to study and then lose money on your own mistakes. Because AI has appeared that will help launch and develop such a thing. 3. But the most important thing is that there are already people who have sold half a million dollars with the help of this AI. But the coolest thing is that now you can create your own similar platforms to help entrepreneurs in different areas:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: What do people say about your company on the Internet? 1. Do companies care about what people say about them on the Internet? Of course! Are they ready to pay for tools that allow them to find it? Yes, many already do. But now they only get crumbs of such information for this 😉 2. Because the main format of the Internet has become videos - TikToks, Reels, YouTubes and the like. And the bulk of the most recent and important information for companies is now contained in them! 3. Therefore, you can take and redirect the money already paid in this topic into your pocket - by creating a platform that can pull out such information from Internet videos in this way:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: Can you spot this awesome opportunity? 1. This startup raised $100 million in investment at an estimated $2 billion in 2 years after its creation. And the previous round last fall attracted an estimated $250 million. An almost 10-fold increase in 6 months is impressive 🚀 2. And the website doesn't even explain where such growth, such investments and such estimates are coming from 😉 Because this is supposedly another platform that uses AI to search for and hire employees. And the funniest thing is that on the same day, a similar startup with the same "boring" website raised $115 million. What's going on? 3. A revolution is happening, or rather is just starting to happen, in the huge labor market! And in order to take part in it with your startup, you need to understand what its essence is. So here's the thing:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: You only need good clients 1. "Every client is important to us!" This is a fiction that can easily lead to losses, starting to waste time and energy trying to cultivate and satisfy everyone. In fact, only those who you can really satisfy are important, and who will pay you enough for it 😉 2. But how can you quickly and cheaply understand this at the stage of the first conversation with the client? Entrust this task to a specially trained AI machine! Well, then this approach has one big charm. 3. After all, such AI machines need to be made separately for each niche, since they must be very well versed in its specifics. So, while all such niches have not been snatched up, you need to have time to make your own AI machine according to this model:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: It's time to remake, not improve 1. The most interesting thing in the topic of creating AI products is just beginning 🚀 The trick is that the vast majority of current "AI products" are "AI crutches" attached to outdated platforms. And therefore, these products are not nearly as effective as they could be! 2. Why does a modern technical support platform need a knowledge base if AI can answer user questions by analyzing the program code? Why do modern CRMs need to fill in some fields manually if AI can analyze the texts of correspondence and calls with clients? 3. It's time to create "AI-native" products whose architecture is completely rebuilt for the new capabilities of AI. And which will therefore defeat not only old products, but also new "AI crutches". Do you want to create a winning product? Then start from these examples:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: It's not the filling that sells, but the packaging 1. As startups, you probably tinker with advertising your products yourselves 😉 However, 80% of advertising budgets now go through specialized advertising agencies. And the online advertising market is a hefty 500 billion dollars! 2. You can gobble up some of this money by creating your own "AI advertising agency", in which the lion's share of the work will be done not by living people, but by AI💰And specifically an "agency", not a "platform"! Because the difference is not only in the name, although this is also important 😉 3. But the most important thing is that you can now create service companies or agencies in many other areas using the same principle. And here's why an "agency" is better than a "platform", and how such companies should work:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: You can earn a lot and for a long time only from those who pay a lot and for a long time 1. Do you want to earn a lot and for a long time? 💰💰Then you need to understand that marketing is not "driving traffic" 😉 And not even attracting those who will register, leave a request, subscribe to a trial version or even buy something. 2. A real "target visitor" is someone who will pay you a lot and for a long time! But is it possible to predict this? It turns out - it is possible 🚀 Otherwise, this startup would not have raised 60 million dollars in investments. 3. And the funniest thing is that these technologies are understandable in principle, and they can be used to create your own similar platforms, and in completely different areas, for example, in these:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: Psychological trick that allows you to earn 1. The secret of the success of the American Costco chain is human psychology. Only club card holders can buy in these stores. And this makes people buy more often and more, in order to subconsciously justify the money paid for the card. 2. At the same time, the prices for Costco products are quite low, since they earn well on the cards themselves and large sales volumes. Thus, Costco is a club for those who want to save. But you can make a club for those who want to spend more on the same principle! 3. To do this, you need to offer members of such clubs the opportunity to buy what others cannot. This model is becoming very relevant, as the number of wealthy people continues to increase. And here are examples from different topics that you can take and repeat:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: New habits of young people are a chance to take off 1. Startups take off if they cause changes that are happening right now 🚀 And not only in technology, but also in people's behavior! It turns out, for example, that young people look for work in a completely different way. 2. Firstly, not there. That's why all these sites with vacancies and resumes are no longer for them. Secondly, not like that. They pay attention to completely different things and want to see information in a completely different format. Yes, yes, the shortest videos 😉 3. And this means that right now it is necessary to create a new platform for job search, organized according to such new principles. And they will definitely take off, because very soon the labor market will be flooded with a new generation of candidates with new habits:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: Non-linear undermining of savings 1. It is much easier to compete, to do something new and therefore fundamentally better 🚀 Than to convince people that you are limiting something old 🥵 Let's take for example the serious and eternal topic of education. 2. During this time, such a number of educational platforms have accumulated that it is already difficult to compete with some partial improvements. Therefore, it is better to change the very principle of training in order to increase its effectiveness. 3. One of the options is the introduction of the so-called "non-linear" training. Its concept has been known for a long time, but their large-scale implementation became possible only with the help of AI. Therefore, this topic should now begin to take off:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of ​​the day: Not sexy, but profitable 1. The success of a startup depends primarily not on the product it makes, but on the topic it starts working on! Here's a great topic that many startups don't pay attention to because they don't think it's sexy enough 🙈 2. This topic is creating digital procurement platforms. The trick is that you can create a billion-dollar company in 2 years, which has already been proven by one of the startups that decided to do this. By the way, its valuation has already exceeded 2 billion dollars 💸 3. However, when creating such platforms, you need to take into account one key thing, without which they will not take off. Let's look at it using these specific examples:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of the Day: Cut Out the Middlemen, Earn Yourself 1. Want to disrupt the e-commerce market? First, realize that the traditional sales chain—full of middlemen and with each store maintaining its own warehouse—is outdated 😉 2. Automation and the internet make it possible to simplify, reduce costs, and speed up this old system by cutting out unnecessary intermediaries and establishing direct connections between participants on specialized platforms. 3. The developers of these platforms will now be the ones making money instead of the middlemen 🚀 Sounds great, but let’s get specific. Check out an analysis of several examples and the potential future of this shift:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea of the Day: Dumb AI Will Soon Be Useless 1. Turns out, business consulting is a $1 trillion market. So, of course, the first instinct is to “disrupt” it with AI. After all, consulting is just fancy “blah-blah-blah,” and ChatGPT already generates that 😉 Just find the right prompts and start selling the output as an AI consultant. 2. But that would only create a bad AI consultant. A good AI consultant needs to be built differently. Here are some interesting startups showing how it should actually be done. 3. Most importantly, these examples reveal something bigger: we’re on the verge of a new generation of AI products across various industries, all built on a similar principle:
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fastfounder pfp
Idea Idea of the Day: Want Loyal Customers? Give Them Emotions! 1. People constantly forget that actions are driven not by logic but by emotions! Most decisions are made based on emotions, and only later do people use logic to justify them. 😉 2. This applies to purchasing decisions, and even more so to feelings of loyalty towards certain sellers. However, loyalty programs tend to focus on logic—accumulate points and exchange them for discounts. But that’s pure logic. ☹️ 3. So, how can a loyalty program based on emotions work? In a simple, yet convincing way—like this platform, which has already received over 20 million dollars in investment:
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