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i don't talk about politics here much at all, and there's a reason for that.
but as a queer woman, my heart has been very heavy the last few days.
it's really hard to see people gloating and supporting the election of a man who has made it clear my rights - and the rights of many others - do not matter. my community does not matter. my gender does not matter.
yes, inflation fucking sucks. yes, foreign policy, education, student debt, workers rights, tech privacy, etc etc is all very important.
but what is society without mutual respect and understanding for your neighbour at home? how can we come together as a country if we can't even agree on the fact that every person in the US is a human being who deserves basic rights, freedoms, and equal opportunity?
for some reason we can't agree on that, because for some reason we've been made to believe that certain people having their own rights infringes upon our own rights, and that makes me deeply, deeply sad. 7 replies
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replying is always a better way to engage in this discourse.
you can tell a lot about a person’s values, interests, and belief systems by listening to the way they talk about others. others who don’t look like them, live like them, love like them.
to me, it is blatantly clear that he will not protect and fight for my rights as a woman, or my rights as a queer person, or for immigrants’ rights or really anyone who doesn’t look like him or support him. we do not share the same view of reality and truth, nor have the same understanding of morality, respect, and civility. he will fight for what keeps him in power and serves his own self interests - which very much so go against my core values
that is why “it seems intense for some reason”. 70M people condoned his actions and words by electing him president of the most influential country.
https://warpcast.com/ryanfmason/0xdfdb7d5d 0 reply
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