Emy pfp



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Chris Dixon pfp
Chris Dixon
For the last 12 months I’ve been working on a book. I’m excited to talk about it for the first time today.📘 Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet (March 2024, publisher: Random House) Pre-order here: https://readwriteown.com/
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Emy pfp
Cloudy day or not, happy summer solstice day!
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Getting old is lonely. We’re in an increasingly atomized world, birthdates down etc. etc. Always seemed like a blind-spot in the life extension movement. What does this chart look like if people live to 150?
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Ashwini Dodani  pfp
Ashwini Dodani
Just really curious. What made you want to join farcaster?
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Colin pfp
What are the most mainstream examples of NFT 'utility'? Token-gated discords anecdotally seem to be the #1. What else?
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
gm i will die on this hill
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Emy pfp
Gm gm from the bestest boy.
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Emy pfp
Seeing all my tabs that will never be read in visionOS will be wild and more overwhelming than ever.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
What topic would you personally want to see a Farcaster channel for? Can be broad, niche or esoteric. Most important factor would be you’d want to participate in the channel daily.
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Emy pfp
Way to go!
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Emy pfp
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Emy pfp
Congratulations! As long as you remember which way the TP goes, you’ll have a long and happy marriage.
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Emy pfp
Fridays get a lot of love (for good reason) but I hope everyone is having an awesome Thursday!
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phil pfp
Those who have lived through multiple crypto cycles will recognize signs that we are entering The Middle. The Middle is: - A shift from despair to apathy - Prices falling, and then falling again - People leaving their crypto jobs to rejoin web2 companies - Former buzzwords becoming bad words This too shall pass!
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Emy pfp
No. I’m guessing oranges are the next in line.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
New feature on Warpcast: active badges - Helps identify Farcaster accounts that are both active and engaging with a quick glance - You need a complete profile and (inbound reaction + replies) / casts ≥ 1 More here: https://warpcast.notion.site/Active-badge-d81fea2e953e4dafae7c85295ffaf3ae
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Emy pfp
They’re 13 and 16. So far they’ve enjoyed most of the classics.
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Emy pfp
Introduced my kids to the Princess Bride and now they can’t stop saying “inconceivable.”
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Emy pfp
This might sound weird but when I’m heating something in the microwave or sitting at a stoplight (stuff lasting a minute or two), I’ll see how long I can manage to focus on the seconds that pass without my mind wandering. If I slip, no worries but see it as a chance to practice holding attention to the moment.
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Emy pfp
Start with little sessions and build on that. Even if it’s something small like breathing meditation, reading, or working on a small project. Spend just a minute (or two or ten), whatever you can manage. Then add a minute or two over time until you’re up to bigger blocks. Simple but it works for me.
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