Edmund Edgar pfp

Edmund Edgar


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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
It's spring, I hope everyone is getting adequately brushed
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
What's the most definitely-not-a-security token on Ethereum? I'm talking no team, no promotion, no counterparty, no foundation, no revenue, no possibility of upgrades, founder had no charisma and already died an unremarkable death, just a pure potato only without the potato
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
Politico on how TikTok bollocksed up their lobbying operation. Fascinating to me that the Chinese are so terrible at playing the US political system while the Russians are so good https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/24/tiktok-china-lobbying-washington-00154232
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
On the one hand, wtf. On the other hand, I once had this thought of making a /dev/scarcity device driver that spent your bit-coins, and now I want to make some kind of ffmpeg plugin that will convert between tokens by piping them to CowSwap
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
The weird thing about this market is that both Biden and Trump are +ev
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
Who can guess what software this is from
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
If you put your money in Japanese stocks instead of degens or dickbutts or whatever they send you FABULOUS PRESENTS
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
🚨🚨🚨 Matt Levine has a podcast 🚨🚨🚨 https://link.chtbl.com/Money-Stuff-Podcast-Law-is-Law
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
Is anyone building a platform to collect bribes for token governance votes? We made our peace with stakers collecting the proceeds from sandwich-attacking their users, it feels weird to be leaving this rich source of yield on the table
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
grass is always greener, actual fact
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
Good morning my fellow securities
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
Is there a tool/website out there where I can dump in a bunch of Ethereum addresses and get a list of their balances of any non-worthless token on any chain? I don't need any other features so the less faff the better
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
The FC community would do magical wonderful things if Warpcast made the display/curation algorithm permissionless like Bluesky does https://bsky.social/about/blog/7-27-2023-custom-feeds
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
Tokyo Bluesky meetup on Saturday: https://428lab.connpass.com/event/312335/
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Edmund Edgar pfp
Edmund Edgar
If you're going to be controlling what people see with an algorithm, it *really* needs to be unbundled so that people can choose the algorithm themselves. Bluesky already solved this problem, see https://bsky.social/about/blog/7-27-2023-custom-feeds
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