Daniel Fernandes
Thinking out loud about the problems of still using Discord in 2025. https://paragraph.xyz/@dfern.eth/the-communication-paradox
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The truth hurts to read "By continuing to rely primarily on centralized platforms, the Ethereum community risks undermining its own message. Each time a developer chooses Discord over Matrix, or Twitter over Farcaster, they tacitly signal that the advantages of centralized systems outweigh the values of decentralization." Because I don't see the dynamic changing anytime soon
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Cassie Heart
It's no surprise discord is the revealed preference over matrix, matrix sucks. The ceo of element also spends more time justifying bad decisions on hacker news rather than actually responding to criticism by fixing the problems, like when home servers could add devices on behalf of users and subvert E2EE but this is "good, actually™️"
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@dfern.eth thots?
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Daniel Fernandes
First, I wasn't aware of the egomaniac CEO. It looks like some security researchers found some valid problems and they seem to have patched them now [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/09/matrix-patches-vulnerabilities-that-completely-subvert-e2ee-guarantees/]. I agree it's incredibly poor form. It's human nature to be defensive, but as someone building privacy tools, you need to be able to take a beat & be magnanimous and grateful to anyone who is looking over your code, even if you don't think everything they found is an "Unbreak Now!" priority bug. That being said, my Bayesian prior for P(egomaniac | opensource CEO) = 0.80, I was going to list some names, but it would probably be shorter to list who isn't one. 1/N
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Daniel Fernandes
The primary reason I mentioned Matrix is because Protocol Labs uses it, and I respect PL & they are a big org, so that was pretty much it. I don't care for a lot of the vibes around Matrix, namely, they've vibe-aligned themselves with being anti-crypto (🚩🚩🚩) (see https://matrix.org/blog/2022/09/27/announcing-third-room-tech-preview-1/#:~:text=cryptocurrencies,NFTs ) similar to other formerly-cypherpunk nonprofits (EFF most notably)...and even though I'm a Status fanboy, Status is still a bit too rough to have a mandate to browbeat people to switch. I try to separate the "art from the artist" so I'd like to think Matrix is at least somewhat better than paying for a Slack license from Salesforce. 2/N
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Daniel Fernandes
I totally forgot about Telegram in my original article, but I would have recommended Signal/SimpleX as a replacement (even though SimpleX has problems as @cassie has noted before: https://warpcast.com/cassie/0x80e1477e), because generally, I think of these apps as 'group chat apps' (even though Telegram does have a mode for channels subdivisions). Matrix was built as an alternative to Slack, and Discord is pretty much gamer-Slack, so that's why I group them together. Now Slack is cringe & dead and MS Teams is feasting on its remains.
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Daniel Fernandes
I'm also open to the idea that Matrix is too much like Mastodon and not worth even being a stepping stone, in other words the benefits of 'federation' are not worth the squeeze. It may be too home-server-tied-down (no support for Self-Soverign Identity) in a way technologies built on did's/verifiable credentials like ATProto are not. 4/N
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