Joan Westenberg pfp
Joan Westenberg
The truth that productivity gurus don’t want you to hear: If you can’t get s**t done with: - Apple notes - Apple mail You won’t get s**t done with: - Notion - Superhuman It’s not the tools. It’s you.
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jp  🦊🎩 pfp
jp 🦊🎩
and most of the quest for finding the perfect tool is just an excuse to not do the work. productivity optimization ends up being a strong force of procrastination.
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
↑ this, yes! high-pass / low-pass..."just gimme a simple text editor"
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sap 🎩🍖 pfp
sap 🎩🍖
Totally. My task manager is a notebook.
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
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dawufi pfp
I can't get shit done with notion regardless 😂
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wartime art hoe pfp
wartime art hoe
yes anding with neurodiverse ppl specifically ADHD / autistic ppl sometimes need a different way of organizing their time since they interact with the world in different ways can it still be done in apple notes? probably but tools that take away as much of the frustration / meta level work are good actually
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Minh Do pfp
Minh Do
Is the problem the tools or the ecosystem that is asking us to use those tools based on a vision of productivity that is outdated to the Industrial Revolution?
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