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drewcoffman pfp
my two-month review of the Vision Pro: i've spent so much time working with it in my backyard that my office desk has collected a noticeable layer of dust
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Bas↑⚪️ 🪀 pfp
Bas↑⚪️ 🪀
you're the first one that I see give a positive long term review for it in terms of usage. That's fun! Can't wait to try one eventually.
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drewcoffman pfp
i think a lot of people are using them regularly, but the experience is so routine that there’s not much to talk about also JUST enough friction that a big chunk of people definitely bounce off
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Bas↑⚪️ 🪀 pfp
Bas↑⚪️ 🪀
Are you just mostly using it as a extended screen environment or do you actually thing the velocity of new apps and content is also keeping you entertained? I've heard mixed messages. I did hear the Gucci app is amazing (in the ATP podcast).
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drewcoffman pfp
i mostly use it as a giant macbook screen, but surrounded by Vision windows watching movies using Vision apps also rocks
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will pfp
how many hours are we talking? have you noticed any effects on your eyesight or mood? going to take me awhile to get over my concern for ~~strapping a flashlight to my eyes~~
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clun.eth pfp
I think AVP might actually be better for your eyesight than using a laptop screen since with the Vision Pro you can have your windows be far away with large text which allows your eyes to avoid focusing on close-up text.
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will pfp
i can imagine that being true but have you seen anything more concrete that suggests as much?
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