bloke pfp



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bloke pfp
why are we here? Are we fighting-against or for? What differentiates this-from what already exists?
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bloke pfp
yes yes i do enjoy it. it’s a hopeful perspective, and a page turner for me. Can’t wait to see what you’re cooking sir
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bloke pfp
Yes Reputation systems are inevitable. We see it with books movies tv shows, yet at the same time, we don’t see it with companies… or people It’s hard to differentiate anything on the internet, when the only source of truth is by reading the website itself. Especially with fragmentation we see across dozens of companies doing very similar, yet different specialty… or trying to do everything at once. I think—for mainstream adoption, the next step is making individuals feel involved and valued from the getgo. Looking to build systems where trust is built over time. For example, smart contracts: Instead or letting servers run trust, we could let it run through each other. if I say i’m going to do X, people can vote on-chain whether I followed through with that by running the same code themselves. Once threshold verify Y intended result, the contract is submitted. That way, code loopholes are avoided as well. for ex, we all would want to vote to undo the 400kETH smart contract exploit.
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bloke pfp
fair, is a pretty cover
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bloke pfp
mmmm it’s kinda funny how, once a org does one thing, they’re forced to do everything all at once, until they become the bloated empire they once aimed to solve. folk need help combining the fragmented puzzle pieces that is, crypto , so all the small fish can live peacefully together. systemic problem from ‘for profit-ism’ biz model which leads to monopolies?
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bloke pfp
How does vibe coding interact with open source licensing? Is AI a route to circumvent licensing by using source to create the same thing, in a ‘differentiated’ manner? How should LLMs pay homage to the sources it derives? Or is our current LLMs, the wrong path entirely?,t%20dead%E2%80%94it's%20just%20forked.
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bloke pfp
having more thoughts as I think about platforms, but don’t want to take more time. here ye: - farcaster/mastadon/arena/etc integration - reading ‘Inevitable’ and have questions; would want to post in a book specific place. - tips - as you interact with authors or ask questions, I can tip the authors for their interaction… Or pay for interaction. maybe therapy platform with that model lol.. t2 does this?? - other forms of media consumption - always wondering how user or multiple people can be more involved in stories like DnD style books created by multiple actors in a community. hmm unfeasible stuff is springing as well. crypto is the only way. i feel like we’re so far off from ideal atm but am very excited for the future
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bloke pfp
reading it now and it springs me thoughts as I read it. do you have a discussion page for book?
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bloke pfp
does this talk about different governance models and what is best for particular domains?
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bloke pfp
ah, that is fun. Library of Alexandria .. 2.0. I can see it favorite genre seems to be an impossible question, and I am in a rut not reading at all anyway-thought you’d be good candidate for recommend, but i’ll have to try mr konrath out lol in 2024 I noticed myself unable to read fiction-dystopian-or even realism. I feel enough dystopian and cynicism anytime I scroll a feed. Am an optimist, and because slow reader, a book is a huge commitment for me. 2024 was a balance of biography success stories Making it So Be Useful Team of Rivals and psychology book recommendations from others: Levels of Energy Map of Consciousness Escape from Freedom Sovereign Individual Who moved the cheese? the biographies reinvigorated my energy like no other, while the psych was more for ‘research purposes’. also patrick stewart has me watching plays now….. hmm Maybe that’s it! I will read scripts!?!?
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bloke pfp
cool, @amelie what inspired you to found AlexandriaLabs? do you have a favorite genre?
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bloke pfp
Understood, i’m out of touch with blockchain and financial communities, and am in process of integration by being here and some other forms. so its possible it’s a popular term within financial?? communities but im unaware of the term
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bloke pfp
“unfold” is used quite often, and i don’t understand this transformation. why one is ‘folded’ and one isn’t. when you say unfolded to a distribution, you referring to the act of data aggregation
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bloke pfp
or a series of infinite loops
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bloke pfp
existence is just one big infinite loop innit
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bloke pfp
I see everything able to be put on a spectrum as well. It’s interesting how certain systems can create a dynamic where, rather than many options a spectrum deserves, we are forced to select between two, because of GTO. For example, US election voting system. If we used r ranked vote, perhaps a 3rd candidate would emerge who is everyone’s second choice. as for powerlaws, i’ve never thought about the world so broadly and simplified. wrapping my head around different examples and conclusions.
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bloke pfp
hmmm… I like it here because of this very thing - to learn and find others who have deep thoughts. The problem is not the content itself, rather we want everything to exist at once on a singular platform. Yet, all we have is one singular feed. one singular method of data storage, one auth method, etc. It is a blessing to be here without any product to sell, because I am free to just be who I want, and the building feed is what I want lol It would be awesome to talk about all the fun this week… but that’s for another identity on another platform with other people. Which is unfortunate, because I would want the transition to be seamless, in case someone here—did become a friend—And I decided to show that side of me to them. Hence, I want everything in the world to be centralized to a singular network, so that the transitions between different groups of people or data were seamless. OK not what you asked for but heres my farcaster version of fun
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bloke pfp
like going to whatever specific community the target audience will be, shooting hints/opinions. Whoever engages kindly but truthfully will be the one I pitch to.
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bloke pfp
do you see software as a public good?
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bloke pfp
lot of knowledge here had no idea how it actually works nor the perspectives of authors. need to digest. just in case this help, this convo made me think: - if it is clear to a reader that they never own the book, what if users pay on a per access/page/time - I could use a book club or recommendation thing on here Wish all the best with Alexandria books
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