bloke pfp



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bloke pfp
The three thieves of data and individuality
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bloke pfp
Check out this conversation where Naval and Balaji debate the meaning of 'politics': @naval’s definition: "the exercise of power without merit" @balajis.eth’s definition: "The market for votes" How would you define 'politics'?
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bloke pfp
Too many pessimists around. I cannot read content that enables me to live in fear. Embrace the unknown, and figure out the solution to the problems people constantly yap about Stop focusing on the negatives, but rather the problem itself.
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bloke pfp
as painful as this might be not to shill, I have decided I will not associate this account with any project, token, nor my personal life. The purpose of this account is to simply share ideas and converse. This yee here broke bloke will remain anonymous and … try to be unbiased
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bloke pfp
Communism does not work Socialism does not work Capitalism… does not work What works?
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bloke pfp
It’s similar to the case of the term “decentralization” The reason you haven’t noticed it yet, is because most people don’t actually know what “metaverse” means… Currently, it’s: “you buy land here with a closed corporation that owns the code, most of the art, and servers” Whereas, what it actually means is an ecosystem where “Anyone can contribute, anyone can earn”
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bloke pfp
it’s now been 2 days in a row of 3 hours of sleep each night, and I still feel fully awake… Yet, I cannot tell if I’ve either a) gotten a ton accomplished b) nothing at all
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bloke pfp
it’s not curiosity that’s scarce; it’s freedom of thought.
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bloke pfp
What happens when an AI-with capability of self improvement- is given the goal to maximize its reproduction?
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bloke pfp
There was once a famous experiment where photographers were put into two camps: - Take one high quality photo - Take 20 photos Which one produced the most highest quality? The group who were told to produce quantity far out succeeded those constrained. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Keep doing it unapologetically until something sticks.
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bloke pfp
❤️‍🔥 Passion ❤️‍🔥
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bloke pfp
Leadership is when you have X number of people who trust you to the point of: When you can share your ideas with them, they will join and support you, no questions asked. What happens as X increases?
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bloke pfp
The difference between a pessimist and an optimist A pessimist always loses An optimist never does.
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bloke pfp
[Open Discussion] So far, one of my favorite presentations from the Network State conference comes from Zooko of Zcash. Highly recommend checking out his presentation---he has some legendary insights and quotes:
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bloke pfp
We are stuck in a loop rebuilding the same infrastructure/code for the same products… over. and over… and over……… and over………………… and over……………………………………………… and over again.
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bloke pfp
“Your identity is not derived from the past itself, but rather how it shaped who you are today.” … Which is why I was sad to see that I cannot edit posts on this platform Access to modify is a core human right, derived from privacy. It’s the process of saying “hey I was wrong, and what I said in the past no longer reflects who I am today” This is a process that should be respected and celebrated. You should have control to tell your story your way, rather than others telling your story for you.
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bloke pfp
?Hot take?: FPS is the worst of all video game genres. Encouraging mindless running around and shooting. No thought or strategy… (for most of the genre)…
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bloke pfp
Reputation-building is a mini game.
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bloke pfp
The process for retrieving information on the internet needs to be rewritten. Game-based learning is part of that future.
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bloke pfp
For those interested in privacy, this is a must-see presentation by Zooko, the co-founder of Zcash.
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