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Murtaza Hussain
Huge news in France as "coordinated sabotage" efforts seem to have shut down rail lines in the run-up to the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympic Games. French authorities are investigating but initial suspicion seems to be directed at the Russian government given previous statements by Macron. The Israeli foreign minister also alleged on social media that the attack had been carried out by Iran, though he did not provide evidence or clarify what this statement was based upon. France had invested in a giant security preparation for the games, including the domestic use of Reaper drones to conduct surveillance on relevant sites. The country had been hit by ISIS terrorist attacks in the 2010s though that threat seems to have somewhat abated. If a state actor was responsible for this sabotage attack, which seems possible given the complexity, it would be a significant escalation.
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what a strange possibility that the largest global sponsor of terrorism could be behind this large scale subterfuge
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Murtaza Hussain
I don’t think they’ve ever done infrastructural sabotage before and also France is one of the countries they are on relatively better terms with in Europe. If I had to guess I would say Russia is more likely since the FSB has a history of sabotage and was threatening France lately. French intelligence has speculated leftist/environmentalists as well.
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Russia has motivation, but given the size of the event, it feels unlikely for any state to sponsor this w/o getting backlash. Also unlikely to be environmentalist ( Maybe: 1. A leftist/anarchist group. Olympics are heavily criticized for including Israel in the games despite documented war crimes. 2. A rightist group. Far-right in France is pissed about the way elections have turned out, and have been talking about how the overall system is broken (and railways are *generally* considered a socialist endeavor) 3. Insider individuals for any political reason (it doesn't seem that sophisticated an attack)
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When people suggest this kind of thing is foreign interference it becomes clear that they live in a little bubble and have no idea how much people in the regions where the Olympics takes place, hate it. Not just on the left. It destroys communities, kills and displaces homeless people, creates a giant budget deficit and stadiums that can’t be used for anything really because they’re too big. Not to mention things like corporate toxicity and things like letting war criminals participate rubs people the wrong way. The most likely answer is usually the answer. It’s probably working class locals, who will foot the bill and get nothing from this. Probably a mix of left and right in solidarity against the IOC.
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