Matthew pfp
I don't know smart contracts well enough, but this is probably a simple question for someone who does: can you make a contract that only allows an address to mint one NFT? i.e. I couldn't buy seven farcats, the contract would stop me at one
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rish pfp
You mean limit one mint per address? Thatโ€™s pretty common I think (unless Iโ€™m misunderstanding)
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Matthew pfp
Yep exactly
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rish pfp
Most creation contracts support this I think (Zora, highlight, etc.). Limiting to one per human, instead of one per address, is much harder
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Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
Basically need to pull a worldcoin to limit 1 per human
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Caden pfp
you could limit to one per ENS address which wouldn't be a perfect solution but would be better than nothing
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