Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I just had my first super uncanny GPT interaction 😩 I read a PG essay once about focusing w kids. I thought it had a Sam Altman reference. I couldn’t find it on PG’s site, Google, or way back so I checked GPT. Immediate response, no doubt, but no record anywhere is it real??
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ppong.eth pfp
Not sure if Sam Altman has kids. I think gpt made it up given the prompt
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sean pfp
GPT 3.5 lies a lot. If you can get Plus, GPT 4 is less combative.
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
It’s real now. :D
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Navy pfp
It made it up? So weird. You should ask PG on Twitter.
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g 🔄🎩 pfp
g 🔄🎩
Yeah give gpt4 a run, and mehbe try I'm on android so can't test
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Aditya pfp
It made it up. Always does when it has no idea
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Leo Nasskau pfp
Leo Nasskau
Pg doesn't have an essay with that title or any content on His site with the quoted citatio
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phil pfp
You may be remembering a Twitter debate that made the rounds a few months ago on this topic. Instead of searching his essays, use Twitter advanced search to try and find the parent tweet from PG
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Saul pfp
Can’t believe I’m saying this: try Bing
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Mario Valente  pfp
Mario Valente
Couldnt find that specific PG article, maybe was one of these?
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Patrick pfp
Maybe you’re talking about this essay? One of my favorites:
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bennet pfp
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Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
Just tried another similar prompt, except that i made up the person and attribute - got a hallucination. (The essay is real but it doesn't mention Sergey Brin)
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jcdenton.cast pfp
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