Sam Clearman  pfp

Sam Clearman


31 Following

Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
Is there anything preventing airlines from flying more slowly on west to east coast redeyes, so that you can get a reasonable nights sleep? Or is it just that nobody except me actually wants this
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Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
Just got a push notification about “trending casts”, wtf… one more of those and I turn off notifications @dwr.eth
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Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
Does this mean that companies will gradually stop bothering to offer severance?
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Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
I think the anti-CCP sentiment in the US is largely toxic. That said, they ban all of our internet services so banning TikTok seems like fair play
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Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
Fed’s message should be “if the financial system crashes you’re just going to end up enslaved by some band of marauders, but sure, go buy bitcoin, let us know how that works out”
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Sam Clearman  pfp
Sam Clearman
The $250k limit is irrelevant; if they don't make larger depositors whole, the system collapses anyway so your FDIC insurance won't mean anything unless they pay it out in bullets and seeds
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