Bravo Johnson
Stablecoins aren’t a revolution. They’re a reenactment. A high-frequency redo of every monetary collapse since Rome debased its denarius. The actors change—suits to hoodies, gold to GPU farms—but the script’s the same leveraged systemic myopia.
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Depends on the stablecoin tbqh. We’ve definitely speedrun some monetary history, but I don’t see much difference between having USDC in my Base wallet and having dollars in my PayPal account - except that with USDC I can do a hell of a lot more, a hell of a lot faster, with much less risk of having all my money outright stolen by a giant megacorporation for nebulous ill-defined reasons.
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how is USDC a “redo of every monetary collapse since Rome”? it’s a 1:1 USD wrapper that holds short-dated bonds to generate profit, same thing as nearly every bank you use daily. just happens to be a better USD than USD itself for many uses: faster and cheaper remittances with instant settlement. if USDC fails, then so does the U.S. dollar in which case, you and everyone you know is fucked anyway.
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I don't see the connection with the gold and GPU when it comes to stablecoins, but the rest is on point.
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