Bravo Johnson pfp

Bravo Johnson


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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Renting a spare 2 bedroom for Farcon. Walking distance. Dm for detailss
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon MIC version. The idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from Halliburton
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Some people suffer from a persecution complex, others from an inferiority complex but they’re all extra burdened by the military industrial complex
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Long term thinking does exists though, but no one does it very much because, to the uninitiated eye, this long-term game appears as a pathetic, beat-down existence more akin to cowardice, poverty and weakness.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Decentralheads vs VC recentralheads Vs Government. Choose only two
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
This seems to be an intractable problem. You have a customer base that demands decentralization and a VC class that is more concerned with re-centralization. The financial model requires both groups.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The center holds by becoming the fringe
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Ticketmaster: People don’t understand we don’t transfer any of the money we spend on the lobbying to congress to allow us to keep two sets of books and engage on all kinds of front and backend deals back to the consumer. That’s your fees $ at work
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
When reality is dissolving around you it is best not to try to define anything too precisely
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Most of the composables turn out to be useless for building stuff for actual people but they’re great at virtue signaling to the market that there’s “growth”
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The secret is to see time coming and to step around it.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
SV support for Israel hinges on composables understood as people+
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Batteries not included, user manual sold separately
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
This is pretty interesting as far as I understand it. Tackling data storage puzzles figuring out the tangled bits, connecting different specs, and making sense out of it.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The fact that the actors look like total strangers to each other serves the millennial Gryffindor ennui
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Good ideals, good ideas or good deals. Choose only two
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Th place is a bit like. -“You know what? I think I would thrive in trench warfare”
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Probably the problem with Web3 is that it’s downstream from apps and not thinking big enough
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Enjoying Three Body Problem Global Edition* although Netflix palette is already 15 years old and needs an overhaul Dark, saturated colors; Neon-like lighting; Heavy makeup on actors; Visible costume details; Conventional cinematography; Overuse of dutch angles and medium close-ups.
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