Ansgar pfp



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Ansgar pfp
As a non-American I will say it’s amusing to me that "threaten[ing] the stability and integrity of the Ethereum blockchain" is apparently now a criminal offense in the US. (Not a comment on the general case, just this one sentence)
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Ansgar pfp
It has a shortcut to start a new chat, and in there you can type the name of a currently open app and have it take a screenshot that way. Not sure if there are other such more convenient ways. I assume full screen capture will come once they open up the video-in feature for GPT-4o.
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Ansgar pfp
Same model access as on web though, so no end-to-end voice here yet either.
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Ansgar pfp
Was able to trick the ChatGPT desktop app into thinking my account was already whitelisted for desktop app use, by mitm intercepting and modifying the server response. Found the idea over on twitter:
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Ansgar pfp
Simultaneously the most and least fun part of prediction markets is arguing about resolution criteria... Let's see how this one goes!
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Ansgar pfp
Multidimensional gas!
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Ansgar pfp
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Ansgar pfp
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Ansgar pfp
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Ansgar pfp
Haven't found a good way yet to handle cross-posting here and on twitter, so you can find some 3074 nostalgia tweeting here:
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Ansgar pfp
Update: figured it out. ansgar on there.
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Ansgar pfp
I’d be curious to check it out - what’s the easiest way to get an invite?
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Ansgar pfp
That’s why we need ILs asap.
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Ansgar pfp
Throwback to when we were accused of attacking the Ethereum governance process for proposing EIP-3074:
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Ansgar pfp
I have mixed feelings about EIP-3074 finally on path to reaching mainnet, almost 4 years after we originally proposed it. We fought so hard for it back in 2021, to no avail. Now that we are much further on the account abstraction roadmap, I am less confident that the focus on improving EOAs is still warranted.
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Ansgar pfp
Oh and forgot to mention DBRX from 2 weeks ago! Actually looks like very similar size as this new mixtral, but 16 experts (4 active) at 11b each vs mixtral’s 8 (2 active) at 22b each. Will be interesting to compare these choices.
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Ansgar pfp
New mixtral-8x22b just dropped. And I didn’t even have time to check out Command R+ from last week yet. And (small) Llama 3 apparently coming in a week or so. Looks like an exciting next wave of open-weight LLMs!
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Ansgar pfp
Today’s vibes: On a walk in Rome at 1am listening to a "Why Rome Fell" podcast.
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Ansgar pfp
Basically none of this is denying that solo stakers will have a harder time competing with LSTs in the future. I don't like that, and I think we need to keep working hard on improving that situation. But this is not caused by our proposal, this is the path we are on either way.
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Ansgar pfp
actually, the competitive gap widens even more if we have a high % staked. In that world, the LST liquidity will become more and more useful (to the point of replacing ETH as default base money). LSTs have economies of scale. And, worst of all, they might become "too big to fail", so their risk premium might go to 0.
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