Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp

Abhishek Agarwal 📱


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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Be born inclined towards genius. Feel tortured by the society. End up joining a Psychology Course by the time you reach college. I think this is becoming yet another kind of brain drain! And yes, I am dunking on Psychology.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
The fundamental flaw I feel in slack and discord's design is that while channels make a lot of sense in the long term, it is threads that matter on the daily and they must feel like their own room as much as channels do.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Look at that hook on the frame... A DIY COMPANY accounting for user error. #IKEA
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I think Material Design establish that Software is more intuitively designed when you assume it is made of a Material. Google likes Paper. Apple like Glass. I think the reason Material Design got introduced with Paper as the metaphor because Design is basically Origmai in Action.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Another common mistake I see arguments is a need to drive systemic reversal of understanding which itself is too much to handle, and chairs you as a depression-inducing agent in their lives. Start with a wedge into their mind and see them unfold territories for themselves... Open Up Portals, instead of Trying to Plant Flags! https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2014/06/25/portals-and-flags/
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
You don't learn Tools to be a life-long Technician. You learn new tools to add Dimensions to your creative thinking.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Taste reflecting Goals is the most authoritative behaviour I can think of.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
How many useful AI agents can you describe that can learn/grow on their own with emerging knowledge? The more specific the better? Bonus points for supplying the socio/economic vectors for the same.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Designing Software should ultimately accrue the immutability of creating "Rooms" for information. Very high cognitive payment when you design rooms and then switch them out in the next iteration.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Please do. Would love to meet you atleast, if not the meet-up. I will in any case create a soft list of people I know who read your stuff. Been quite deep and inspired by your work. Welcome Back to India! https://warpcast.com/abhishek1point0/0xac7d6317
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
App to Publish your growing Roam Graph. Anybody who wants to share their graph or publishing in the form of graphs. DM me now. I will immediately onboard you.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Along with the Updates Page, you will also a M/Graph Home Page where you can catalogue all the Entry Points to your graph, have a Glossary, or simply a backbone structure that grows with each update cycle!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
DM me to get Access to the App. Both iOS and Android.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Search for "Metamind Roam" in the Roam Depot. Remember to initialise in the plugin settings page & will see a tooltip on top of your Roam App to calculate DIFF: New, Modified & Renamed Pages since last click! Enter Graph Token to publish to app. See it all in action : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gViMYPgRDgA
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Inspired by this Tweet from @vgr, me and @fhackdroid had created something last year... We even named it after VGR's Essay "Your Passport to the Metabrain". The product is called Metamind. Metamind is a Roam Plugin that exports your "hardening" Second Brain to a Metamind App where users can subscribe.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
So would there be any-way to meet you? Or can I organize something on your behalf?
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
It's actually pleasant. Rains are just enough to keep things cool. No scary thunderstorms as such. Will you be hosting a meet-up when in Bangalore?
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Low certainty about people + high certainty about facts = bureaucracy High certainty about people + low certainty about facts = protocols
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Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
When I think protocols I think “infra-“ or “sub-“ but most people seem to think “meta-“ I suspect I’m oriented right here and most people’s instinct to go meta is off. Protocols go infra- or sub- in relation to raw phenomenology, not meta-
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I am sensing the PKM space is going to be revived into Virality with AI and Crypto, as if it was 2019!
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