Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp

Abhishek Agarwal 📱


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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I am sensing the PKM space is going to be revived into Virality with AI and Crypto, as if it was 2019!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I believe... For most, it takes your 20s for the configuration to your Life to fall in place. That's all the "existential crisis" is all about. It cannot be rationalised through and through. Can't let logic dictate! You simply arrive at it through Trial and Error.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Do you simply wait for Inspiration or do you go through your Notes looking for one?
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
What design techniques and frameworks are you all thinking for Vision Pro apps? For me, it went from Origami in Action on Touch Screens to Sign Language in Space!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
It seems like iPadOS as the foundation instead of MacOS is going to be a major restriction on Vision Pro productivity proposition. Do you think Apple should’ve gone for MacOS as the base and risked not having as many in the beginning like the first iPhone? Maybe kinda push for native Interaction Design for it…
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Evolution of Multitasking UX... Macintosh makes a clear distinction between floating and fixed windows. Fixed gets a Virtual Display, Floating are stacked up by Stage Manager. On Vision Pro, all windows are fixed and floating to make the distinction irrelevant.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Curation shall be “I’m paying to preserve this.”
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
It's amazing the fastest typers on Vision Pro can be people who know sign language!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
So disappointed by The Verge's review of the Apple Vision Pro. Their entire review was how Vision Pro fails at being a better computer than your other computers. And that misses the point entirely... Look : Keyboard and Mouse/Touch will stay at the centre of computing until we re-en-Vision software!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
The reason why social media comments suck is because there is no upside to writing a well thought out comment!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Wrote this poem after reading @vgr 's Learn To Fly By Missing the Ground : https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2014/11/20/learning-to-fly-by-missing-the-ground/
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
How to create a simple way for one to know when someone lists a job or a gig on Warpcast?
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Do you think creators will see a new business model this decade? If so what could it be? PS. The more it has no historical precedence, the better!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Smart Watches + Glasses v/s AI Pin. Which one do you think will win?
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Only one assumption allowed per product thesis. Everything else must be tested.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Asking "How" matters more than "Why". If the how excites you, then you already have the why for doing it. This is essentially the philosopher's conceit.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Design Folks… Reply if you think @dwr.eth should have this implemented and perhaps, your why too… 🙂
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Looking for Design GIGs… if you’ve any to offer, let me know.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I think Channels are misrepresented in the Consumption UX. Channels shall be represented as the underground intelligence you can travel with through Warpcast. Here's Concept UI by Me: Explore Channels/Scroll Feed. Note: When you scroll Channels, the Feed overlay automatically minimizes. Similar for scrolling Feed.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
In interaction design, the design language is literally the language. A functional one that shapes user's minds into actions.
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