Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp

Abhishek Agarwal 📱


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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Be born inclined towards genius. Feel tortured by the society. End up joining a Psychology Course by the time you reach college. I think this is becoming yet another kind of brain drain! And yes, I am dunking on Psychology.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
The fundamental flaw I feel in slack and discord's design is that while channels make a lot of sense in the long term, it is threads that matter on the daily and they must feel like their own room as much as channels do.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Look at that hook on the frame... A DIY COMPANY accounting for user error. #IKEA
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I think Material Design establish that Software is more intuitively designed when you assume it is made of a Material. Google likes Paper. Apple like Glass. I think the reason Material Design got introduced with Paper as the metaphor because Design is basically Origmai in Action.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Another common mistake I see arguments is a need to drive systemic reversal of understanding which itself is too much to handle, and chairs you as a depression-inducing agent in their lives. Start with a wedge into their mind and see them unfold territories for themselves... Open Up Portals, instead of Trying to Plant Flags! https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2014/06/25/portals-and-flags/
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
You don't learn Tools to be a life-long Technician. You learn new tools to add Dimensions to your creative thinking.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Taste reflecting Goals is the most authoritative behaviour I can think of.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
How many useful AI agents can you describe that can learn/grow on their own with emerging knowledge? The more specific the better? Bonus points for supplying the socio/economic vectors for the same.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Designing Software should ultimately accrue the immutability of creating "Rooms" for information. Very high cognitive payment when you design rooms and then switch them out in the next iteration.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
App to Publish your growing Roam Graph. Anybody who wants to share their graph or publishing in the form of graphs. DM me now. I will immediately onboard you.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Inspired by this Tweet from @vgr, me and @fhackdroid had created something last year... We even named it after VGR's Essay "Your Passport to the Metabrain". The product is called Metamind. Metamind is a Roam Plugin that exports your "hardening" Second Brain to a Metamind App where users can subscribe.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I am sensing the PKM space is going to be revived into Virality with AI and Crypto, as if it was 2019!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
I believe... For most, it takes your 20s for the configuration to your Life to fall in place. That's all the "existential crisis" is all about. It cannot be rationalised through and through. Can't let logic dictate! You simply arrive at it through Trial and Error.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Do you simply wait for Inspiration or do you go through your Notes looking for one?
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
What design techniques and frameworks are you all thinking for Vision Pro apps? For me, it went from Origami in Action on Touch Screens to Sign Language in Space!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
It seems like iPadOS as the foundation instead of MacOS is going to be a major restriction on Vision Pro productivity proposition. Do you think Apple should’ve gone for MacOS as the base and risked not having as many in the beginning like the first iPhone? Maybe kinda push for native Interaction Design for it…
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Evolution of Multitasking UX... Macintosh makes a clear distinction between floating and fixed windows. Fixed gets a Virtual Display, Floating are stacked up by Stage Manager. On Vision Pro, all windows are fixed and floating to make the distinction irrelevant.
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
Curation shall be “I’m paying to preserve this.”
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
It's amazing the fastest typers on Vision Pro can be people who know sign language!
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Abhishek Agarwal 📱 pfp
Abhishek Agarwal 📱
So disappointed by The Verge's review of the Apple Vision Pro. Their entire review was how Vision Pro fails at being a better computer than your other computers. And that misses the point entirely... Look : Keyboard and Mouse/Touch will stay at the centre of computing until we re-en-Vision software!
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